

With Andrew Harshman

An archive and analysis of the minis used on CR.


Anonymous submitted:
Hello! I have a question/request/suggestion. Are you planning on reviewing the wizkids critical role miniatures? I’ve just been made aware that the have a bunch of new packs I didn’t know about. I know you have reviewed their aeorian monsters and PC minis before but I was wondering if you intend to do the others, and if you don’t, suggest that it might be a nice thing to talk about on weeks with no combat in the episode. Either way, I hope you’re doing well, have a nice day :)

Excellent suggestion! Thank you for the submission. Episode 8 is in fact one of those weeks with no combat in the episode. I agree, this certainly seems like good content for mini-less weeks. The line of Critical Role Wizkids miniatures is alreadypretty expansive and there is a lot to cover. For now, I’ll just share my general thoughts. 


Images sourced from the Crit Role Shop website

Personally, I only own the three Factions of Wildemount character miniature sets. When it came time to submit a preorder, I held off on purchasing any of the Monster of Wildemount, choosing to prioritize unique NPC/PC models over creatures. I have an expansive collection and I feel confident that if I run any Wildemount monsters, I could find a relatively accurate proxy miniature. With the possible exception of the Aesorian Absorber (lol, that eyeball cat aesthetic is puh-rettyspecific). But even at that, I would probably just use a displacer beast mini and make a point of clearly describing the creature to my players.

I am always on the lookout for unique, interesting, and diverse prepainted character miniatures. And the Factions of Wildemount series has that in spades! I appreciate the variety of classes, skin tones, and body types represented.


The bases are clear plastic, the new Wizkids standard. Which is a base aesthetic I’m partial to. The sculpt detail is generally good, with a tad bit of resolution lost in some of the hands and fiddly bits. I’m pretty pleased with the miniature manufacturing quality overall. The sets I received even have crisp looking eyeballs, which is a good indicator of prepaint quality.

Regarding the package manufacturing, something I found interesting is that the Dungeons & Dragons logo appears to be a sticker that was presumably added post-printing. I’m curious what the production story is here.


Particularly excited for the new episode as things ended with quite the dramatic bit of cliffhangery. I’m crossing my fingers for a battle map right outta the gate, but I can see this forthcoming encounter/challenge being run entirely narratively.

See ya next sesh! 

