#crochet probs


Whenever a crocheter needs to get a fellow crocheter a gift, it’s nearly impossible to figure out what to make for them. After more than my fair share of hours trying to come up with gift ideas, I realised that the only thing any crocheter ever needs is a versatile, portable crochet hook holder. It’s a small piece that’s fairly quick to make and can be done with any spare yarn. 

This is a holder that has enough room for 18 hooks and can hold sizes from 2mm to 10mm. The back portion is a square done in moss stitch and the top of the piece becomes the lower pocket, so the whole project needs to be flipped to be used as the photo shows.


Difficulty: Beginner

Yarn: light weight. Any colour

Hook size: 3.5mm

Stitches used: chain, single crochet, slip stitch

Round 1: ch 40, sc in 2nd ch from hook, 38 sc to end of round. (39)

Round 2: ch 1, turn project, sc (ch 1, skip next stitch, sc). Repeat until the end of the row. (39)

Round 3-27: ch 2, turn project, sc in the ch space from round 2 (ch 1, skip next stitch, sc in next ch space). Repeat until the end of the row, the last sc should be done in the turning chain. (39)

Round 28: ch 1, turn project, sc in BLO for 39 stitches. (39)

Round 29: ch 1, turn project, sc in each stitch. (39)

Fasten off. 

Fold down piece at round 28 and sew sides together on each side of the piece to make a long pocket. If desired, sew slots along the pocket to divide it into multiple small pockets. 

This is where the pattern gives you even more creative liberty.

Start a new ball at round 25 with a slip stitch. (ch 2, sc 1 under the sc of the round) repeatedly across the round. Once you reach the end of the round, bring the strand up along the side with a couple of slip stitches and repeat the pattern across the row of your choice. Repeat as many times as you wish. The more loops done, the more secure your hooks will be. 
