


Show us the stars!

Games Wizards Play gave us an example of what a wizardly science fair would look like, and we’d love to see what all of you can come up with! This Invitational will be a celebration of all things science, and everyone is invited to participate! What is your favorite science thing? Are you passionate about the life cycle of a forest? Can you talk for ages and ages about interstellar space travel? Or, if you have a way to recreate one of the projects we see in Games Wizards Play, that would be great too!

Of course, it doesn’t have to be strictly science based! It can be in the realm of wizardry, too! If you know what the spell diagram the young wizards used on the moon at the end of Wizards at War would look like, or a spell to repair the ozone layer, give it a go!

One example of a project is the classic papier-mâché volcano - maybe to demonstrate how a volcanic eruption can lead to new growth? All projects should be leaning towards a purpose or reducing entropy in some way.

You can make your project ahead of time and bring it to Montréal, or there will be preparation time and space at the Con! There will be a $25 limit on supplies (don’t worry about the exchange rate unless it lets you buy that last thing you need to demonstrate how Jupiter and Saturn resonate).

Our judges are TBD, but everyone is welcome to walk around and observe, leave comments or tokens, or ask questions of the presenter!

We can’t wait to see what you all come up with! If you have any questions or comments, please email [email protected].

CrossingsCon will take place June 21-23, 2019, at Hyatt Regency Montreal, Montreal, Canada. Badges are on sale here.

This is going to be so cool! I can’t wait to see what people come up with!


Come join our staff of awesome creative nerds! The open positions are: Head of Merchandise,Webmaster, and Assistant PR Director. 

Send your resume and cover letter to [email protected]

We will be conducting rolling interviews, so apply ASAP!
