#crowley is dramatic




It’s so funny how Crowley is always described as “more emotionally constipated” as compared to Aziraphale. I wanted to write more about it, but then I realized there’s exactly one scene that perfectly illustrates how wrong this notion is.

It literally has it all, no need to look further, it’s all there.

So there’s a conversation with Mary Loquacious (that happens immediately after another one of “repressed” Crowley’s outbursts, by the way), where it’s so abundantly clear how good Aziraphale is at the whole “conceal, don’t feel” thing even under pressure.

You can pinpoint the exact moment when Aziraphale switches to a polite but collected mode that he uses with customers. [Side note: his initial expression of uncertainty is adorable, btw.] Now, a trick question: who’s just impatient and who’s visibly impatient here?

Then it continues in the same fashion throughout the whole convo, with Crowley visibly dying to verbally gouge the information out of her, while Aziraphale sometimes tilts his head, at best.

Aaaand finally, the big reveal: they have just found out it all has been for nothing, the records are destroyed. Do I even have to explain further? Who is emotionally repressed here? Who clearly is used to hiding his feelings?

That’s it, that’s the story, it’s one of those cases when a single scene is so illustrative that no further explanation is needed.

aziraphale’s exasperated little micro-glances at Crowley throughout are SENDING me

“do excuse my colleague, he’s having a dramatic bitch day”
