
annnesbonny:He’s going to be okay, Sokka breathes. I’ve got him and he’s going to be okay. - @beac


He’s going to be okay, Sokka breathes. I’ve got him and he’s going to be okay. -@beachytablecloth​ Chapter 3 of Signs of Light

[ID: A traditional watercolour painting made up of three frames. The top frame has Katara in a bloodbending pose, with flecks of dark red, almost black blood spinning around her, she’s outlined by a silver moon. In the middle frame, Sokka is crying as he cradles an unconscious Zuko in his lap. There’s a gold beam of light behind them fading to red at the edges. The bottom frame is a Red semi-circle, reminiscent of a setting sun, over a gradiated blue background, overlaid with cursive handwriting reading “He’s going to be okay.” The artist’s signature is in the bottom left corner. END ID]

My art piece for the ATLA 18+ BB is finally here! Thank you Brooke for writing an Incredible story that I absolutely adore, and everyone on the team for their hard work! And to everyone at @atla18bigbang​ for the past few months <3 

As always, there are some details under the cut :D 

Keep reading

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[ID: A digital drawing of a badgermole from Avatar: The Last Airbender. It holds one paw palm up, and on the paw sprawls Zuko in his Blue Spirit disguise, one hand to his masked head as he swoons. The background is a simple blue sky and orange-brown earth. End ID.]

I drew this piece for an ATLA canon-divergent AU by @friendlystrawberry as part of @atla18bigbang! In this story, Sokka is turned into a juvenile badgermole while in Ba Sing Se, and he ends up kidnapping Zuko in a desperate attempt to regain his humanity. Cue romantic comedy - think Zukka mixed with Princess and the Frog mixed with King Kong? Had a great time drawing this bodice-ripper-esque cover for such a fun story.


In a corporate-dominated spacefaring future, Sozin Incorporated has kept a firm grasp on their monopoly through a combination of carefully-negotiated mergers, hush money, and hostile takeovers. They provide their staff with everything needed to survive; air, food, even new body parts when needed.

Zuko was one of Sozin Inc.’s most efficient augmented employees, but his last mission ended in humiliating failure. Demoted and disgraced, he is reassigned to the small moon of Gaipan to assist with the establishment of a new titanium mine. There he meets Jet, a charming engineer that he inexplicably feels drawn to. But something dangerous is brewing on Gaipan, and it has the potential to tear Zuko’s meticulously constructed world apart.

Artificial Conditionby@feralhobbit ! For the @atla18bigbang

[ID: pictured are Jet and Zuko from the Avatar the Last Airbender series. Jet is on our left looking to Zuko who is on our right. Jet has a brown mullet, is wearing a blue sweater with gold shoulders and khaki cargo pants. Zuko has long black hair in a ponytail. His scar is replaced with a cybernetic eye piece. His arms are both robotic with gray and gold details. He is wearing a white zip up jump suit. Jet is saying “Dude what? You’re really attractive! You don’t see that?” To our right is a red poster with the fire nation emblem and the words ‘sozin,’ 'where,’ and 'family.’]

finnamin: “Zuko” Sokka gently whispered. Sokka pressed the back of his hand softly against Zuko’s cl


“Zuko” Sokka gently whispered. Sokka pressed the back of his hand softly against Zuko’s clammy and burning forehead. He scrunched his nose up at how gross the heat and moisture felt on Zuko’s sick body. “Zuko,” he said more firmly, “Zuko, can you wake up for a minute?”

Zuko grunted, barely audible. 

Sokka sighed, bowing his head a little and shaking Zuko’s shoulder just enough for Zuko to squintily open his eyes. 

“What?” Zuko rasps, confused and slightly irritated.

fromHappy 30th Birthday, Sokka! by @lilihasalife

collection post can be found here

[ID: Sokka sits on the edge of Zuko’s bed, hand on Zuko’s shoulder. He’s smiling softly down at Zuko, obviously trying to gently wake him up. Zuko is groggy from being woken up, and he’s also flushed from being sick. His head is raised from the pillow, halfway propped up as he looks up at Sokka.]

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It’s here! The first chapter of my first ever fanfic!

Thanks to @zukoscalzones and Dee for beta-ing, @finnamin for doing the accompanying art, and @thesecretphannie for podficcing! Yall made a world of difference!

Title: Happy 30th Birthday, Sokka!

Warnings: None

Rating: Teen and up

Description: Zuko wants to follow his destiny to be good, especially to those he loves. After reflecting on his time with Sokka since his crowning as Fire Lord, Zuko decides to throw Sokka the best birthday party he can imagine. But will his imagination be enough?

Read my piece here!
