


I made art for @gaylord-zuko ’s writing for the @atla18bigbang!!

[image i.d. The bones of a dragon curled up and missing several arm bones. Zuko and Aang are kneeled next to the bones in poses of frustration and anguish. the background is various shades of brown to depict the surrounding earth. end i.d.]

Read the writing here!!


[Image ID: A digital drawing depicting a hug between Zuko and Katara under a tree. Zuko is facing the viewer whille Katara has her face burrowed on his neck. Zuko has a placid expression with his eyes closed. Both are covered in the shadows casted by the leaves of a tree and the sunlight that comes through the branches. End ID]

“You’ve done enough,” said Zuko firmly. “I promise.”
She wrapped her arms around him and breathed in the smell of him. She couldn’t place what it was like, but it made her think warm and safe. Zuko held her close and didn’t pull away.

Fragile Lives/Shattered Dreams by Khashana

andreehanart: [ID: A digital painting of Sokka, Zuko, and a 4 year old Izumi at a snow covered park


[ID: A digital painting of Sokka, Zuko, and a 4 year old Izumi at a snow covered park with a pond. Turtleducks swim up to a smiling Izumi and she’s kneeling to look closely at them. Sokka and Zuko stand behind her, gazing at each other and holding hands inside of Sokka’s mitten.]

Made for this wonderful fic written by agni_kai on ao3, beta’d by @zukkaclawthorne, sensitivity read from @finnamin for the @atla18bigbang

a subtle electric fire

“Suki,” he says, muffled. “Suki, tell me to stop crushing on the hot single dad at work.”

Suki doesn’t look up from painting her nails. “Go out and bag yourself a DILF, babe.”

Zuko’s insistence that it’s him and his kid against the world is being seriously tested by Izumi’s new teacher.

Sokka’s determination to ignore hot parents is waning more and more as he gets to know the single dad of the new kid.
Everyone else is just waiting for them both to get their acts together.

Post link


Here is the art i did for @that-was-anticlimactic ’s writing as part of the @atla18bigbang!!

[image i.d. Sokka is standing in a lily flower. only his upper body is visible. he is shirtless to represent his vulnerability and is looking down at his chest. his hands are feeling at the hole in his chest, and the hole is bursting with flower petals. The flower sokka is standing in and the flowers coming from his chest are in reds and oranges. the petals from his chest are fluttering out and landing in a small pile next to the flower sokka stands in. end i.d.]

Read the work here!!


picture of singukar white flower lying on the ground. the background is blurred and there are rocks, leaves, and dirt behind it. the words the fic title is written near the top in white.

every lovely bloom designed to defend

“The way Zuko was running to greet him was a breath of fresh air—it was the rays of sun on a gloomy day, the rainbow after the rain.

That joy and that vulnerability that came along with being a human person is part of what made Zuko so beautiful, it’s what made him shine and light up the room, what made his heart beat faster.

… it’s what made the vines in Sokka’s body crawl, what made his stomach writhe in pain as they continued to grow.

The very person who gave him life, who made him feel alive, was the very person sucking the life out of him.”

[or, zukka hanahaki au]


written for the @atla18bigbang!!!

nine chapters—45k+ words

rating: teen and up

updates: every tuesday :)


my lovely beta: @raininginthestreets

the wonderful artist: @lilihasalife

fantastic podficcer: @the-boys-from-ba-sing-se

art:x // podfic coming soon:)


[Image ID: A picture of the sun setting over mountains. The words “signs of light” are in large text. Underneath them in smaller text is written “a zukka fic by beachytablecloth inc.” End ID]

And now, out of breath from running, Sokka can feel the anxiety beginning to overwhelm him, stitching his sides and pounding in his ears.

“It’s Zuko,” he finally gets out, panting. “He’s missing.”


Zuko gets kidnapped; Sokka falls apart.

signs of light by beachytablecloth, written for the atla 18+ big bang! beta-ed by coreyandgrace. art by beck and podfic by viviana coming soon!

rating: M (mostly for language)



updates weekly on mondays!


[Image ID: A digital drawing depicting, from left to right, Sokka, Zuko, Yue, and Suki on a barely visible couch, with relaxed and affectionate expressions on their faces. They are wearing modern clothes. Zuko and Sokka are looking at each other, as so are Yue and Suki. Yue seems to be on top of Zuko and Suki, and Sokka has a hand at the top of Zuko’s back. Behind them, a starry sky extends in the background. End ID]

It starts like this: Yue and Zuko meet at a party they didn’t mean to go to. It goes like this: They’re not meant for each other, but mend their touch-starved souls. It ends like this: Maybe they’re meant for each other in ways they didn’t anticipate, maybe ‘meant for each other’ doesn’t mean anthing.

A story about connection, questioning the permanency of self, and drunkenly staring at the stars content with serendipities.

tell the stars you’ve won by schmok


[ Image ID: A banner with an off-white, blueish background with gold-star confetti and golden fairylights in the right half. In the left-hand corner is written “tell the stars you’ve won,” in the lower right-hand corner is written, “written by schmokschmok, art by goorin, read by rionaa” / End ID. ]

Written for the @atla18bigbang​, this is basically my magnum opus <3

Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender

Relationship: Yue & Zuko, Sokka/Zuko, Suki/Yue, Sokka/Suki, Sokka/Suki/Yue/Zuko

Characters: Sokka, Suki, Yue, Zuko



  • No Archive Warnings Apply
  • Alternate Universe - Modern Setting/University
  • Polyamory
  • Queerplatonic Relationships / Platonic Cuddling
  • Self-Discovery


It starts like this: Yue and Zuko meet at a party they didn’t mean to go to. It goes like this: They’re not meant for each other, but mend their touch-starved souls. It ends like this: Maybe they’re meant for each other in ways they didn’t anticipate, maybe ‘meant for each other’ doesn’t mean anthing. 

A story about connection, questioning the permanency of self, and drunkenly staring at the stars content with serendipities.

Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31866586

Check out the wonderful artwork by @goorinhttps://goorin.tumblr.com/post/653992238983102464/image-id-a-digital-drawing-depicting-from-left

Or take a listen to @unexpected-readings-of-poetrypodfic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31944418/chapters/79112299 


[Image ID: A picture showing Zuko at the center, Katara at his left, and Sokka at his right, from Avatar: The Last Airbender. Zuko is holding to what seems to be a rock that shines very brightly, iluminating their faces and eyes with reflective light. End ID]

Regardless of Zuko’s understanding of rocks, the gem is getting gradually warmer.

Incredibly confused now, Zuko opens his hand from its grip around the moonstone to see the rock glistening in the moonlight. Except it isn’t reflecting the moonlight. It’s casting its own light. A light that is glowing brighter and brighter until Zuko reflexively closes his fist around it to hide it from view. His fingers glow red.

a way to breathe underwater by aphelius


From:Sokka Hawke Survives (?) Kirkwallby@raininginthestreets for the ATLA 18+ Big Bang! Part 1/3

Big thanks to both @raininginthestreetsand@thereindeerlady for keeping me sane during this process!

[ID: A digital artwork of, from left to right, Yue, Suki, Zuko, Sokka, Katara, Aang, and Toph, in the armor style of Dragon Age 2. Yue has long pointed ears like an elf and tattoo branches across her face, the symbol of the moon on her forehead. Her light armor is shades of blue with a green scarf and leather gauntlets, belt, and leg guards. She is barefoot and appears to be walking towards the viewer. Suki, a human, is in heavier armor, with a metal chestplate showing the symbol of Kirkwall, the main city in Dragon Age 2. She has green sleeves and pants, with accents of red and gold down to her boots, which have gold points like a crown around the shins. She is standing with her hands on her hips and her head tilted to the viewer’s right. Zuko is a half-elf with light armor, a taupe tunic that has purple belts around the waist and across both sides of his chest, disappearing under a brown capelet and red pointy pauldrons on his shoulders. He has red boots with gold encasing the heel and toe. His scar extends down his neck, arm, and hand on the left side of his body. He appears to be taking a step towards the viewer. Sokka, a human, has medium armor. A padded blue tunic with buckle closures. His pauldrons are made of leather, with buckled straps crossing over his shoulders. He has brown-orange pants with a strip of blue running down the sides. His boots are blue with silver metal around the heel and toe. He is standing sideways with his torso facing front. Katara, also a human, is wearing light mage armor in varied shades of blue and silver with a red shirt underneath showing at the collar and at slits in the waist. She has a decorative silver belt buckle with four belts attached, branching off around her hips. She has light blue pants and leather boots with silver metal around the tips. She’s facing forward with her hands on her hips. Aang, an elf, has medium armor mostly made out of leather with accents of green, blue, red, and yellow. He’s wearing a hood that sticks out at his ears, creating an odd shape around his head. He has a belt around his lower waist connected in the middle by a gold ring. There’s a pouch on his hip. He has bandages wound around his right arm. Across his leather chest covering are small green vines. His arrow tattoo is made out of small swirling patterns and dots to be more in the style of Dragon Age. He is standing straight, facing the viewer. Toph is a dwarf with a medium length black beard, with small braids on either side of her chin. She’s wearing a green coat that ties in the middle, dark green pants, and a dusty pink tunic, a swirling pattern along the hem. She’s standing facing the viewer with her fists clenched. She’s barefoot.The background is a dark black/grey gradient with the Kirkwall symbol behind them, nearly blending in with the background. Text above their heads reads in all caps “Sokka Hawke Survives (?) Kirkwall”, “An ATLA/ Dragon Age 2 Crossover”, “Author: raininginthestreets, Beta: thereindeerlady, Artist: zukkanthis”. The text is in red and white. End ID]

Welcome back to the streets of Night City, Chooms! We’re excited to present our 5th episode of “It’s All About You”.

If you want to learn more or share your own creation, please visit our website: https://cdprojektred.com/AAY
