

Edward’s going to get the whole family murdered by the Volturi for showing off his vampire powers in front of this random lady who stopped by the house.

I think she’s a witch though so maybe that gives him a pass? Ironically, she’s one of Carlisle’s friends.

#cullsims    #edward cullen    #rosalie hale    #emilia ernest    #i think    

It must, by necessity, always be midnight for him. :(

#cullsims    #edward cullen    

Believe it or not, that’s human!Emmett behind her. Apparently I never bothered to set a hot weather outfit for him and that’s what the game generated.

Totally, totally accurate to the 1930s, as you can clearly see.

Also Esme takes so many selfies with people because it’s a really fast way to build up a relationship and I’m lazy. It’s not cheating if it’s a feature of the game!

Meanwhile Carlisle’s charisma skill is so high (he had to make a lot of friends for the Good Vampire aspiration) he just introduces himself to someone and they are instantly friends.

Which is basically canon if all his random international vampire friends are any indication.

#cullsims    #esme cullen    #emmett cullen    

Her painting skill is too high for her to still be painting like this. At this point I have to assume it’s an artistic choice on her part.

#cullsims    #esme cullen    

Carlisle’s study. Please ignore the laptop, this is a very serious, very accurate recreation of the 1930s.

Meanwhile, Esme and Carlisle went on a date in Brindleton Bay and woohoo’d in the lighthouse. Esme took a selfie on top of the lighthouse to remember the moment.

So Rosalie became a vampire. Gonna have to work on her look. She has Nosferatu teeth.
