

As Europe has become more diverse racists have clung to whatever glimmers of hope exist for them in their hope of preserving a ‘White Europe’. Their obsession with the countryside, and ‘trad’ White women frolicking in it, is one such hope. 

While the beautiful pure White maidens filling the countryside are essentially a racist fantasy, there is truth that the countryside is more ‘White’. This is largely a result of the White self segregation and ‘White flight’ in the face of the diversity of the cities. England, though its cities are unrecognisably diverse, its countryside still rather pale and boring.  

But this is no racist victory. Change takes time and there are several factors that will gently brown the countryside. All those stuffy middle class White people fleeing to the countryside still have to send their children to university right? Which are all in the incredibly diverse cities. University is all about broadening your horizons!

In fact the White boy fantasy of going out to the countryside to pick up some innocent White farm girl is just that: a fantasy. Most White women born in the countryside end up looking for a partner in the city or on holiday or at university. Anywhere where they can avoid White men!

The evidence suggests that Whiteness will fade in the countryside just as it has in the cities. University studies suggest the countryside will be over a third non White by the middle of the century. From 3% to over 30% non White in one generation. (https://www.thenorthernecho.co.uk/news/8446349.countryside-increase-diversity/) And I’m sure a big part of that will be modern White country girls bringing home their university boyfriends to marry and settle down in their idyllic cottages and farm houses they’ve inherited from their racist fathers. 
