#cum filled

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When your friend promised he’d pull out…

#threesome    #cum filled    #sharing    #cuckold    #girlfriend    


“From faith,” replied Emral Lanear, “do we not seek guidance?”

“Guidance, or the organized assembly and reification of all the prejudices you collectively hold dear?”

“You would not speak to us!”

“I grew to fear the power of words - their power, and their powerlessness. No matter how profound or perceptive, no matter how deafening their truth, they are helpless to defend themselves. I could have given you a list. I could have stated, in the simplest terms, that this is how I want you to behave, and this must be the nature of your belief, and your service, and your sacrifice. But how long, I wonder, before that list twisted in interpretation? How long before deviation yielded condemnation, torture, death?” She slowly leaned forward. “How long, before my simple rules for a proper life became a call to war? To the slaughter of unbelievers? How long, Emral Lanear, before you began killing in my name?”

“Then what do you want of us?” Lanear demanded.

“You could have stopped thinking like children who need to be told what’s right and what’s wrong. You damned well know what’s right and what’s wrong. It’s pretty simple really. It’s all about harm. It’s about hurting, and not just physical, either. You want a statement for your faith in me? You wish me to offer you the words you claim to need, the rules by which you are to live your lives? Very well, but I should warn you, every deity worthy of worship will offer you the same prescription. Here it is, then. Don’t hurt other people. In fact, don’t hurt anything capable of suffering. Don’t hurt the world you live in, either, or its myriad creatures. If gods and goddesses are to have any purpose at all, let us be the ones you must face for the crimes of your life. Let us be the answer to every unfeeling, callous, cruel act you committed, every hateful word you uttered, and every spiteful wound you delivered.”

- Mother Dark to her High Priestess

Fall of Light, Steven Erikson


“An old friend? Yes, we adopted such animals into our tribes. It was that or see them starve. We were, you see, responsible for that starvation.”

“Responsible? As in overhunting? I’d have thought your kind was one with nature. All those spirits, all those rituals of propitiation-”

“Toc the Younger,” Tool interrupted, “do you mock me, or your own ignorance? Not even the lichen of the tundra is at peace. All is struggle, all is war for dominance. Those who lose, vanish.”

“And we’re no different, you’re saying-”

“We are, soldier. We possess the privilege of choice. The gift of foresight. Though often we come too late in acknowledging those responsibilities…”

-Memories of Ice, Steven Erikson



Every single relationship will get “boring” after you’ve been together for ages. Love isn’t a feeling, it’s a commitment; to love every day, physically and emotionally. It’s hard afff, it’s not always laughs and smiles and fun. People tend to quit when it stops being cute. “Oh the spark is gone.” No, that’s not how it works. You want somebody to never give up on you and love you unconditionally? Do the same. This isn’t Hollywood, this isn’t romantic happy ever after bs. Love someone when you don’t want to, when they are being a fricken asshole. When they’re being hard to love. That’s thats the realist shit there is.

real talk.
