#current astrology



2019 Pisces Crescent Moon

Thursday, January 10, 2019, 05:11 UT

Chart erected for Washington, DC

The Sun is very closely conjunct Pluto here, and makes several other close aspects: semi-square the Moon (of course), semi-square Venus/Sagittarius, sextile Ceres/Scorpio, trine Juno/Taurus, decile (36 degrees) to Jupiter (if you’re into that kind of thing), square Eris/Aries.

The message for the Crescent Moon lunar phase is to “mobilize resources,” and the Moon’s position shows us how (sign) and where (house). Bloch and George, in Astrology for Yourself, give the Pisces key phrase as “My need to commit myself to a dream or ideal and work towards its realization” - part of which process necessarily involves “mobilizing resources,” of course. And, the Moon also makes a lot of aspects: semi-square Sun, sextile Mercury/Capricorn, square Venus/Sagittarius, semi-sextile Mars/Aries, sextile Pholus/Capricorn, conjunct Nessus/Pisces, semi-square Eris/Aries.

Looking at that series of semi-squares - Venus/Sag to Sun/Cap to Moon/Pisces to Eris/Aries - we need to remember that (per Bernadette Brady) the semi-square aspect shows “frustration leading to a null result.” There’s a lot of righteous feminine anger out there, and the fact that the timing isn’t yet right only kindles the fury more. But, we’re still in the shadow of the eclipse, and we’ll remain there until three days after the Lunar Eclipse over January 20/21. Finally, over February 4 and 5, we have a verynice New Moon in Aquarius with lots of promising opportunities. Then, the time is right.

It’s of course good to use this time of “mobilizing resources” - just think a little further ahead, think in terms of what you/we may need next month. Having a strategic target for all that rage would be a clever thing.


Just a tricky, tricky week of many minor aggravations which seem to build upon each other. We have early on Mercury square Mars. Normally that’s fairly inconsequential as far as “bad” aspects go - basically, we shoot off our mouths a lot - but, both planets will end up aggravating Juno, who as we all know is already a little on the hot tempered side. Be very careful about  communications with partners, and don’t get any kind of “I know better” or “I’m telling you this for your own good” types of attitudes! (Don’t put up with it, either - there’s a late week trine between the Sun and Juno, too, for mending fences.)

The other issue is Jupiter keying in to the Ongoing Uranus-Neptune Semi-Square, with the first of three sesquares to Uranus and the first of three squares to Neptune. This has global implications, of course. The tendencies are for too much fanaticism about individual freedom (Jupiter sesquare Uranus) and too much misplaced optimism (Jupiter square Neptune). I’m reminded of the Benjamin Franklin quote, “ We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.” I think 2019 will be a year of coming to terms with that.

Void of Course Moon

Monday, January 7, 06:20 UT (Capricorn) - 06:46 UT (Aquarius)

Wednesday, January 9, 16:53 UT (Aquarius) - 19:44 UT (Pisces)

Friday, January 11, 14:25 UT (Pisces) - Saturday, January 12, 08:18 UT (Aries)

Lunar Phases

Thursday, January 10, 05:11 UT - Crescent Moon, 4:39 Pisces


Thursday, January 10, 20:32 UT - transiting Eris stations direct


Monday, January 7, 11:18 UT - transiting Venus enters Sagittarius


Tuesday, January 8:

  • 10:05 UT - Mercury/Capricorn square Mars/Aries, 4:55
  • 22:52 UT - Sun/Capricorn semi-sextile Vesta/Aquarius, 18:21

Wednesday, January 9:

  • 11:23 UT - Mercury/Capricorn (6:32) sesquare Juno/Taurus (21:32)
  • 21:33 UT - Jupiter/Sagittarius (13:36) sesquare Uranus/Aries (28:36)

Friday, January 11:

  • 04:36 UT - Mars/Aries (6:48) semi-square Juno/Taurus (21:48)
  • 11:38 UT - Sun/Capricorn square Pluto/Capricorn, 20:56
  • 18:28 UT - Mercury/Capricorn (10:04) semi-square Ceres/Scorpio (25:04)

Saturday, January 12:

  • 13:08 UT - Sun/Capricorn trine Juno/Taurus, 22:01

Sunday, January 13:

  • 05:18 UT - Venus/Sagittarius (6:00) semi-square Pluto/Capricorn (21:00)
  • 11:47 UT - Sun/Capricorn square Eris/Aries, 22:59
  • 13:31 UT - Mercury/Capricorn conjunct Saturn/Capricorn, 12:51
  • 18:58 UT - Jupiter/Sagittarius square Neptune/Pisces, 14:22


Ordinarily a Mercury-Mars square would begin to fade after becoming exact - especially if you live in the western hemisphere, you may feel you’ve managed to sleep through the square and have nothing to fear. Unfortunately, both planets make applying aspects to Juno - our partners may want to continue the dispute long after we think everything is settled. The Sun and Vesta together give us a sense that we don’t have all the information we need to make good decisions. We could also feel a little off-kilter, a little not quite ourselves.

What’s happening when:

  • Lunar Phase: New Moon (initiating a new cycle/month)
  • Moon/Aquarius
  • Mercury/Capricorn square Mars/Aries, 3:05 am MST
  • Sun/Capricorn semi-sextile Vesta/Aquarius, 3:52 pm MST

Looking ahead to Wednesday: doubtful and doubting

(Please note that MST is seven hours behind UT.)


It’s necessarily a long one, sorry! I’ve bolded all the retrograde zones.

  • Tuesday, January 1, 2019: Mercury at 23:51 Sagittarius
  • Friday, January 4 - Mercury enters Capricorn
  • Thursday, January 24 - Mercury enters Aquarius
  • Sunday, February 10 - Mercury enters Pisces
  • Tuesday, February 19 - Mercury enters Rx Zone, 16:05 Pisces
  • Tuesday, March 5 - Mercury stations retrograde, 29:38 Pisces
  • Thursday, March 28 - Mercury stations direct, 16:05 Pisces
  • Tuesday, April 16 - Mercury exits Rx Zone, 29:38 Pisces
  • Tuesday, April 16 - Mercury enters Aries
  • Monday, May 6 - Mercury enters Taurus
  • Tuesday, May 21 - Mercury enters Gemini
  • Tuesday, June 4 - Mercury enters Cancer
  • Thursday, June 20 - Mercury enters Rx Zone, 23:56 Cancer
  • Wednesday, June 26 - Mercury enters Leo
  • Sunday, July 7 - Mercury stations retrograde, 4:27 Leo
  • Friday, July 19 - Mercury Rx’s into Cancer
  • Wednesday, July 31 - Mercury stations direct, 23:56 Cancer
  • Sunday, August 11 - Mercury re-enters Leo
  • Thursday, August 15 - Mercury exits Rx Zone, 4:27 Leo
  • Thursday, August 29 - Mercury enters Virgo
  • Saturday, September 14 - Mercury enters Libra
  • Thursday, October 3 - Mercury enters Scorpio
  • Friday, October 11 - Mercury enters Rx Zone, 11:35 Scorpio
  • Thursday, October 31 - Mercury stations retrograde, 27:38 Scorpio
  • Wednesday, November 20 - Mercury stations direct, 11:35 Scorpio
  • Saturday, December 7 - Mercury exits Rx Zone, 27:38 Scorpio
  • Monday, December 9 - Mercury enters Sagittarius
  • Saturday, December 28 - Mercury enters Capricorn
  • Wednesday, January 1, 2020: Mercury at 4:23 Capricorn