#current fic


So, I’m super disappointed that I didn’t manage to finish my current fic in time for today (it’s not set on Valentine’s Day, but has a Cupid theme!). In my own defence, I came down with shingles and I’ve had no energy, either physically or emotionally, for really anything. However! The fic IS coming along and the end is very much in sight at this point! I’m always afraid to give timeline promises, but I thiiiink I should be able to finish it this week or early into next week???? It’s at 23,700 words now! 

I got a little slice of writing done! Yay! I’m working on a sequel to Isosceles, featuring John and Sherlock going to LA to visit Corey! It’s just in the early stages but all plotted out at this point. I’m hoping it will be a fun one, low on the angst, but with a bit of spice. It’s a little over 2,200 words now! 
