#cute and funny



If I’d had one of these for Goody with a capacitor attached, I could have powered my entire home for years.



This Lyrebird is living in a zoo which has been under construction for a while and now it is imitating the sound of construction.




In fairness to King Kong, if I had a tiny adorable primate in my hand I would also be very resistant to someone taking it away from me.

We all assume it was romantic, but maybe when King Kong looked at her he was seeing this:

Something like this really happened a couple of years ago at the Mefou Primate Sanctuary in Cameroon, run by Ape Action Africa (AAA).  A western lowland gorilla named Bobo befriended a bushbaby for a couple of hours before releasing it back into the forest. 


According to AAA’s Facebook post (where you can also find additional photos and video): 

Our silverback gorilla Bobo made a surprising new friend this week – a wild bushbaby! Caregivers discovered him cradling the tiny primate during their morning checks, and were amazed to see him handling it with the utmost care – proving that gorillas really are the gentle giants of the forest. Bobo’s group-mates were desperately curious, particularly his favourite female Avishag, but he kept them all at a distance, making sure that no one disturbed his new friend. Bushbabies are usually nocturnal so it is very rare to see one, and even rarer to witness this kind of interaction. The little bushbaby was happy to play in Bobo’s arms, hopping off to explore the grass nearby, before returning to Bobo’s hand. When the game was over, Bobo walked purposefully off on two legs to deliver his friend safely back into the trees.

Incidentally, the western lowland gorilla (which has the best species name of all time: Gorilla gorilla gorilla) is the largest primate in Cameroon, and the bushbabies happen to be the smallest primates in Cameroon.



Australians are really built different though

Yeah lol pretty much all sea snakes are highly venomous, luckily they rarely bite and even more rarely inject their venom


Crow skiing down a roof with a small lid or something….


Enjoying hot springs



unionion the union onion

unionion the union onion

unionion the union onion

cute and funny




We got you buddy

They just all swarm to save him…this is truly so beautiful

peter kropotkin anarchist author of "Mutual Aid" but with glowing red eyes


when you have a cat you can experience sensations! some of them are soft. some of them are painful. many of them are wet




not gonna lie, this made me tear up a little bit.

I wish like doctors offices and other places were this chill and inclusive and helpful.

can I just say how much more fun this looks than literally any other tattoo parlor I have ever seen? like the Dark Grunge Look™ is fine but frankly I’d way prefer going here for a body mod than anywhere else. there’s fucking SUNLIGHT in there.



Just overheard two teenaged boys at the front door of their friend’s house. One was on the phone and gently said, “Oh, did you just wake up?” And the other one yelled “OPEN UP, FUCKNUGGET!” while slamming his hand on the door. I gotta say I love the friendship dynamic

I can’t believe I forgot to mention that the guy who lived there answered the door while wrapped up in his blanket, and it was way past noon at the time, which really sold the entire interaction as a whole


Strong bond



“Squirrel makes a home outside a window and then moves the family in over the cold months”




Heavy is the chest that wears the tits or whatever

heavy is the class that has the minigun







Taking down a tree in 30 seconds | source

Now this is a real thing that would take out a medieval peasant

No its not. Y'all keep thinking they’re dumb. They’d be all “what a nifty machine.”

Pls I just want to live in my peasant killing fantasy in peace

Grab em with the machine

Genius !!!
