

I’m gonna cry…one of our friend actually made a gofund me for our little baby.

They will add an english text but for the moment it’s in french.


Hello again….

So we got a call from the hospital and our little sweeheart is not doing well. They don’t know if her heart condition is due to cancer or a bacteria. They have to do a lung biopsy ….

They could try to blindly treat it but Serenity would'va to stay at the hospital and we don’t have money for either of the option…

We really don’t want to put her to sleep….

Hello everyone, I have never done anything like this before but I feel that for this situation I should try. If you read everything thank you very much for your time ❤

On monday february the 3rd, we had to bring Serenity at the equine hospital because she was dying. We were treating her for a pneumonia since october. The antibiotics were doing their job a bit but she still had problem breathing after the treatment was done so the vet landed us a respiratory mask to help her lungs.

That was one week ago. We went to see her during the weekend and she wasn’t doing too well. We were told by the vet that it could take at least 5 days before seeing any results with the mask so we had waited the whole week.

But sunday february 2nd around 6pm, we got a call saying that Serenity fell down and that she wasn’t getting up. We drove all the way to the barn and she was still laying down. She hasn’t been moving for the past hour. We were able to get her to move but she wasn’t top shape. Once we got her in her stall, we tried the mask and her breathing was a bit better. We called the vet and she told us that she would come the next morning.

But when the vet got there she told us that Serenity was really in bad shape. That if we didn’t bring her to the hospital she would die.

The vet called someone to bring her to the hospital right away and we drove all the way to the hospital.

After hours of tests, we were told that her heart wasn’t the right shape. Two valves and two chambers were too big. They think that it might be a bacteria but we have to wait for the cardiologist’s dianostic.

But thing is…we don’t have lots of money. Serenity was a gift to my gf because the two of them had a connection and not because she had money to buy her. We don’t want to have to euthanize her. She’s just 10 years old she still have many years ahead of her.

So I’m asking if you are willing to help us with money. You don’t have to and I’m not forcing anyone. If you want, here’s my e-mail for paypal (my gf doesn’t have one)

[email protected]

I will post news about how Serenity is doing ❤❤❤❤
