

For@cuubism. Oof, so when I discovered I had to write for you, I initially freaked (I love your work!). Then I saw the tropes you listed, and I freaked again. Anyway, I ended up attempting to write 2 (because my brain is weird that way), this one found its way to completion, the other one didn’t make it in time. But if I feel like it, that one will be gifted to you at a later date.I’m not sure if this fits your requirements, but I was told it was decent. Anyway I hope you enjoy this. = ) xx


About Last Night…

Alec Lightwood awakened with a start.  The room was pitch black, and he was in bed, the silky sheets hitched up under his arms.  Still naked…and still shellshocked at what happened a few hours ago.

Turning, he glanced down at Magnus, who was curled in bed next to him, snoozing away softly.  He was fast asleep.

Magnus Bane – his best friend, whom he had the biggest crush on since last summer.

Somehow, on tonight of all nights, decision-making ability compromised by one too many vodkas, heightened by the devastating discovery of Magnus’s girlfriend being in bed with another man, Magnus had called him up, despite many months of being MIA, his voice racked with grief.

Of course Alec answered the call.

Continue on AO3
