#cw children



Flu Bug - Part 3

PartsOneandTwo linked here.

WC: ~1600

TW: Same as ever, Some mutual pining, Children (Henry)

A/N: A bitch is back again! With another monthly (bi-monthly? Who even knows anymore, honestly? Lol) installment of my favorite flustered Charlie Barber. Thanks for your endless patience with my random updates, and thank you for reading!

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Part 1 Linked here.

Word Count: Like 2k

Pairing:Charlie Barber x Fem Reader

Warnings: Children (Henry), Some pining - if you squint, Mention of touch starvation.

A/N: Ya girl is ~finally~ back with another installment of sort of sad boi Charlie. This one is mostly Charlie emotion-focused, so I’m sorry if that’s not your thing, but we will jump back to reader next time. Scout’s Honor. I’ll also apologize ahead for the gross overuse of commas that I’m certain is in here. Here’s hoping that the next update doesn’t take me 10 more years, I’m so sorry I know I’m terrible lol. I love you all, and I hope you enjoy!

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Word Count:1,623

Pairing:Charlie Barber x Fem Reader

Warnings:None that I can really think of. Children (Henry), Mentions of stressful situations, slightly intimidating behavior.

A/N: WOAH this feels super weird. So this is just a little something I thought about a couple of weeks ago after a tough week, and I decided to write it out. I am thinking that this will likely become one of two or three parts. So let me know if you are interested in seeing anything else from these two! Thanks for reading, and thank you to everyone who read/edited/listened to me go back and forth about posting. If you want to be added to the taglist for any future fics, please let me know! Also shout out to @mariesackler​ for making me this PERFECT HEADER. I love it.

Alright, well here goes nothing! 

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