#cw major character death


Past, Present, Future

So anyways the nonexistent, unnamed ghost au now exists and is named (don’t be surprised if it changes at some point.)


To say David Jacobs was unhappy about moving to a new state three months into his senior year would be an understatement. He knew he should be happy that his dad had found a new job, but he couldn’t help but wish he’d gotten a job that didn’t require him to share a room with his twelve-year-old little brother.

David used to think the hardest part of senior year would be working on his college applications, not learning how to coexist with a middle schooler.

As it turns out, the actual hardest part would be none of the above.

The biggest problem in David’s life was the fact that his new house was haunted by three teenage ghosts. And he’s the only one who can see them.

To think he used to be worried about finding a date to prom.


David Jacobs discovers three ghosts living in his new house and now has to figure out how to help them cross over. Oh, and did he mention one of the ghosts just happens to be very *very* attractive?

Read it on AO3!
