#cw non-con kissing



Word Count: 302

Pairings:Tommy Milner/Chuck Steinberg

Characters:Tommy Milner, Chuck Steinberg

Warnings:Gay, Slash, Yaoi, Abuse, Bullying, Blood, Non-Con Kissing, Sexual Harassment, Harassment, Homophobia, Slurs

Chapter Summary: Tommy caught him by the neck, Chuck had no choice in this.

AN: Hey guys, it’s me again! Just thought I ought to say, if you want vague updates and to talk to me more, I have a writing Tumblr, it’s Writteninsunshine! I also have a writing Discord that is currently pretty dead. xD If anyone wants it, let me know!

Here’s yet another chapter for this fic, I’m really on a roll today!

Haphephobia Chapter Masterlist

Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark Fic Masterlist

Chapter Two: Repulsion 


Feeling the bully’s hand clamp over the back of his neck, a possessive gesture on his part, made Chuck’s skin crawl right off, and Tommy leaning in had him stiff and uncomfortable. Tommy’s lips met Chuck’s neck, just above his own thumb, and his tongue swiped over the skin. Chuck just about leaped out of his shoes, his eyes slamming shut and hands balling into fists.

“Oh, what’s the matter, Upchuck?” Tommy cooed into his ear, “Gonna do something about it, or are you just going to cry and hug onto Ruth’s skirt?”

“Sh-shut up, Tommy. Get off me.” Pushing at the jock, Chuck almost growled, scooting away as much as he could. However, he didn’t get far with Tommy’s grip on his neck that tightened considerably to keep him from tipping over. The other snarled at him, grabbing the front of his shirt and yanking him closer.

“Don’t be such a fucking pussy, gaywad.” Tommy told him, voice quiet but firm, a deadly level of venom in his tone. Before Chuck could respond, he was being kissed with bruising force, teeth clacking together. Copper hit his tongue and he didn’t know who it belonged to before Tommy was pulling back and reading his arm for a hit.

Before he knew it, Chuck took a fist to the face, ending up on his ass on the ground. Blood flooded from his nose and upper lip, and he just stared up at Tommy with a frown, hurt and tears in his eyes.

“If you’re going to be with a gay-ass clown, you gotta look the part, don’tcha, fag?” Spitting at Chuck, Tommy turned on his heels, flashing him the bird as he walked away, leaving him to lick his wounds in silence. His quiet sobs were the only music left in the air.


AN: Welp, these are going to be short vignettes, but I love them nonetheless.

