#cyberchase oc


Some facts and HCs about my Cyberchase OC, Alix.

  • They are from and live in Radopolis.
  • They are nonbinary and bisexual.
  • Alix and Slider were friends since childhood. Meaning they also know about what Hacker put Slider through, and is always there to comfort him or let him talk to them whenever he feels stressed or anything.
  • Blonde isn’t Alix’s natural hair color. Their natural hair color was actually a light brown, but they ended up bleaching it and even adding a lime green streak.
  • Their favorite color is black (ofc)
  • Alix owns a LOT of rock band merch. They LOVE rock music and listens to a TON of bands in the rock genre, and they own merchandise of a bunch of different bands, even ones Slider’s never heard of.
  • Slider ADMIRES Alix’s fashion taste and even once rambled about how he wanted to dress just like them one day. There were times when Alix bought clothes for Slider that related to their taste, and I’m gonna tell you… Sly was ecstatic as all heck.
  • There were a few times when Alix had to stand up to Hacker for Slider. Let’s just say, from now on, Hacker kinda backs off when Alix comes around.