#cyberpunk nibbles


I finally finished cyberpunk to an extend where I can comofrtably say that I did prettymuch everything I found interesting (except for that one quest with the guy that came out of jail and then went on a super christianity trip bc I simply didn’t like the guy and didn’t wanna help him) and so I drew all of my Vs.

I desgined the outfits myself, though all of them are inspired by pieces I did get my lil hands on at one point while playing.

I also wrote a little short story about them which none of you will ever get to see but basicly it is a post canon story in which I treat my Corpo playthrough as my “real” V aka the one that had the Johnny issues while I treat the other two Vs as people who just happen to have the same nickname but also exist iwthin night city at the same time (even though I consider streetkid to be my actual real playthrough bc that’s the one I did the most things with).

Ending spoilers below the cut

In my story CV did the ending in which you Trust Hanako and end up on the spacesation. They cose to get themself uploaded into Mikoshi but drafted their own version of a contract with the help of Hellman to ensure all their things would reach the people they wanted (for example their cat nibbles would be great friends with misty and fit right in with her shop and Mr.Brightman) and to comission one of these neat little devices that Hanako uses to hologram her dead father during the meeting with the red of the Arasakas.

The Device along side their engramchip was sent to the El Coyote Cojo to keep Mamá Wells company and hang out at the bar, becoming something of a new feature there.

The other two Vs mostly go about their lives as you’d expect them too. NV drops out of his clan to find a new life in Night City, only to end up back in a nomad clan after making friends with the Aldecados through doing hwat would be the Panam storyline which CV chose to ignore.

SV used to be a member of the Mox and still is pretty close with them even though she dropped out in favour of supporting her boyfriend, River Ward, on his post questline shenanigans after helping him find his kidnapped nephew (CV was too focued on staying alive to help river out, so SV did). She lives with River and his family and is now Rivers crimefighting partner, seeing how it makes a lot more money than working as a Doll and, oddly enough is also much safer….plus she gets to spend time with her boo so that’s a win.

Some shenanigans happend that I won’t get too much into detail about, but basicly SV and River get on a case that involes the aldecados as witnesses, the aldecados offer a helping hand, the gang ends up going for a drink at a certain bar to celebrate their success, they meet the hologram of CV….and more shenanigans happen that may or may not include them getting a doll implant for NV so that CV can (consensually and safely, obviously) take over the other twos bodies remotely via their Doll implants (and some minor tech-magic brought about by Judy) and also CV learning to be a more than baselevel skill netrunner to support the other two better, they also entrust SV with the bullet necklace Misty made for them for safekeeping and as a lucky charm considering that SV is the ones whos body they takes over the most.

I tried my best to checkread this wall of a text but brain is currently going doot doot the way a phone does when the other person hangs up so I hope you’re eyes aren’t bleeding too much if you made it all the way down to here.
