
Wolfman Jack, 70s radio personality, was in “The Night the Cylons Landed,” an episode of Galactica: Wolfman Jack, 70s radio personality, was in “The Night the Cylons Landed,” an episode of Galactica: Wolfman Jack, 70s radio personality, was in “The Night the Cylons Landed,” an episode of Galactica:

Wolfman Jack, 70s radio personality, was in “The Night the Cylons Landed,” an episode of Galactica: 1980

Just like the animated Star Trek introduced the idea of the holodeck and never got credit for it, Galactica: 1980 introduced the idea that Cylons could build models that passed for human. Perhaps this introduction, crucial to later series, would be better remembered if it wasn’t made in an episode that was built around meeting a 70s radio personality at Halloween. 

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