
naruto-mythology-zine: Please join Creation Myth: A Naruto Mythology Zine in welcoming another of ou


Please join Creation Myth: A Naruto Mythology Zine in welcoming another of our spectacular artists:


A master of both spectacular merch design and beautifully rendered digital work, you’re going to love Cynniminni’s gentle color palettes and unique style! This is what they have to say about their favorite mythological creatures:

“Tengus and anything that has angel wings are my favorite mythical creatures, I always find them so beautiful and fascinating to look into! Angel-like beings tend to be benevolent, sometimes even tragic, and typically are written to be a cut stronger than other mythical creatures. Their powers are also fun to play around with, and overall are a common staple in myths.”

Stay tuned for more of their amazing work!

Follow them on: ⊱⊹⊰ Instagram⊱⊹⊰Twitter  ⊱⊹⊰ Tumblr ⊱⊹⊰Shop here! ⊱⊹⊰

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