#c’s november reset


Week Two: do everything from week one + exercise and/or stretch everyday. Keep room clean/organized

What do you do to keep your body moving? What is the weirdest thing you’ve found while cleaning your room?

I slept much better this week - only went to bed late monday and friday night, but there was a concert (harry styles) monday and I was anxious bc of a competition that was on saturday. I only stretched about half the week, I just was never motivated enough. I kept my room clean though! That felt good. I also had a really short week and basically no hw, so the stuff I did have I did the night of. I also turned in. a college app tonight! To move my body, I usually dance when I’m at home, but I also play a lot of ultimate frisbee (my team got second in state last spring). And idk the strangest thing I’ve found.

this weeks goals are to lower screen time and read more. I want to finish at least two books (not including the one i am currently reading) this week. I have a 2 books that I am super excited to read, and one that I know will be a super quick read, so hopefully I can knock those out this week.

Week One: reset sleep and homework schedule. Go to bed by 10:15 at the latest, and do HW the night it was assigned

Which was the hardest day to go to sleep on time? What was the biggest project you finished this week?

I definitely had a rough start to this week. I only managed to go to sleep on time Monday night and yesterday. However, I did have an all day ultimate frisbee tournament and I was so exhausted that I just passed out when it was time to go to bed. I did manage to get all my homework done except for one assignment (essay) done the night it was assigned so success on that front. I overall had a pretty normal week maybe a 7.5/10. It felt way longer than it should’ve been.

This week’s overall goals are: stretch every day and keep room clean. My additional, more specific goals are to finish my college app for CU boulder and turn it in (due the 15th), and prepare for my piano duet competition that is next Saturday! I’m off to go pack my lunch and go to bed — daylight savings has me thinking its 9:46 instead of 8:46 lmao.
