#daddy inu



I might change the title to “Always” later but or now it’ll stay as because I’m undecided. 

A piece in response to this prompt I received on @keizfanfiction. Thank you anon! 

@purekagome@vividxdreaming@inunanna@kuddle-cakes@blacksteel-art@ryupioupiou@dreamer-of-the-wandering-suns. If anyone else would like to be tagged in any of my future works, please don’t be afraid to let me know and I’ll tag you from now on! ^_^

“Kagome,” Inuyasha whined, ears lower on his head and golden eyes wide and pleading with his wife. “But I don’t know what to do.What if I screw it up? What if I make it worse?What if–”

His wife sighed with a roll of her eyes and hitched their wailing six-month old up higher on her shoulder, patting his back in effort to console. “Inuyasha, she’s your daughter, not a ticking time bomb. And right now to her the world is ending - or has ended, whatever - so I’m pretty sure you can’t do much worse.”


“Just be a dad to your child, Inuyasha,” Kagome said and shot him a stern look. “Tai is teething and unless you’d like to—” She stopped at the look on his face and arched a brow. “Then stop whining and go comfort your daughter. I promise it’s not that bad.” Her expression softened and she smiled encouragingly before leaving their home, hoping some fresh air and a nice long walk would help calm their son enough to fall sleep. 

Keep reading

p.p omg! I cant even! The sweetness is too much! Thank you for this you wonderful person! 
