#daddy kink cw


‧ ˏˋ ARATAKI ITTOCANDY POP! ◞ ̣ ͘ ┈─ I ONLY want it when it feels like this, I only wanna feel the bliss on bliss!

ׄ     ׅ  ★̶̲ WARNINGS 、fem!readerstepcestdaddy kink age gap cunnilingus mirror sex overstimulationslightdumbificationslight mutual pining size kink creampie pussydrunk ittomessy plot pet names slight degradation ( like once )male masturbationminors and dc antis do not interact.

ׄ     ׅ  ★̶̲ NOTE 、ikk i said fic but my brain wasn’t cooperating :c ts isn’t my best nd i’m not too proud but pls enjoy & reblog / comment plspls i used a whole lotta brain juice t_t

ׄ     ׅ  ★̶̲ WORD COUNT 、3.2k+

PERHAPS IT’S HIS initial instinct as a man; to immediately defile you in his mind. Ponder over imaginary scenarios with you crying his name, clawing and marking your claim over his body, to bend and fold you every possible way until you break. Maybe it’s just natural…something he has no moral control over because no matter how much he tries to stop, he can’t.

Itto doesn’t want to treat you like that. You’re too good to be seen as a piece of meat, but you plague his mind too often for him to daydream otherwise. You tempt him in ways he can’t ignore, and internal disputes on whether or not it’s purposeful are futile, simply because a man like him only chases one thing. Itto longs for that fill to his craving. The need for sweetness to settle on his tongue, seep into his taste buds and send a buzz to his brain as he relishes the taste is a must for him. Itto has yet to find something to satiate his thirst…will you be that for him? He’s sure you will.

He has this charm that’s undeniable. That charm is what brought him into your life in the first place. Silly banter and a million-dollar smile; the perfect recipe to have pretty girls like you wrapped around his fingers. And there’s the slight possibility that you aren’t as easy as you appear, but he’ll put that to the test.

He starts slow. Long stares that pan over your body, stopping at your thighs and running upward. Just looking at you has him imagining how small you’d be beneath him… how he could easily overpower you and have you squealing for him to stop—and then he’s acting on these thoughts. Gradually moving to lingering touches and smooth innuendoes that leave you thinking about them later. He wants you to feel how he feels. He wants that burning desire to kill you until it’s too much and you can’t take it anymore. He wants you to fall so hard that you run straight into his arms. Itto is much smarter than he leads on, he knows you’ll take the bait.

It didn’t take long. He’s been waiting for this day. The day you come to his room, knocking sheepishly on the frame of the door while leaning on it, your clothes minimal and tight, your face laid low and innocently. He smiles softly at you, watching your nervous mannerisms as you stumble over your words. “C-can I talk to you…?”

Your fingers dance along with each other, your right foot spinning against the floor. “Of course.” he pats the spot beside him. You’re hesitant to move, stopping yourself before fully moving deeper into the room. You and Itto had never been close. Ever since he and your mom got together, you’d never been fully interested in welcoming him into your family. As far as you were concerned, he was your mom’s problem– but lately, your opinion has begun to shift. You find this weird interest. An interest that has you slowly creeping toward him, your mind spewing nasty thoughts just by the way he watches you.

You’re by his side, your short skirt riding up your thighs. His breath hitches, his eyes slowly drifting up and down your body. You’re so close– so close that he’s slowly losing patience. “I was just wondering…if- if you could help me move my stuff out?” He’s hardly listening. He nods as if he were, but his eyes aren’t shy to tell otherwise. “My friend wants me to move in and we already found an apartment…I didn’t know who else to ask–”

You pause. His hand lands on your forearm, index finger brushing over the goosebumps that rose from the depths of your skin. “Of course. Anything for you…” you don’t know why that statement has you choked up. You swallow a large gulp, nodding frantically. You try to hide it; the obvious effect he has on you, but your body tells on you. Your minimal interaction was more than enough for him to throw away his sense. You’re trying to leave. Pressing your feet against the floor and lifting off the bed. Pulling your arm from his grasp– leaving his touch. Itto isn’t about to let you slip away like that. Not when he has you, how and where he wants you.

He tightens his grip on your arm, and without him having to utter a single word, you’re back in your seat. How about that? You’re so easy. “Good girl…” he praises. He moves closer. His hand runs up the length of your arm, pulling you closer. You feel his breath brush on you, raising the hairs on your skin straight. You freeze completely, following the flow he sets. It’s in no time you’re face to face, his body stretched over you to lean his lips close to yours. “You want this just as bad as I do, don’t you?”

Perhaps it was the overwhelming emotions or the closeness of the two of you, but you find yourself immediately nodding a rampant ‘yes’, your wide eyes boring into his. His lips find yours, roughly pressing down as his tongue tenderly pulls your lips apart, slipping into your mouth. He overwhelms you in just five seconds, having you fall backward on the bed. His arm is quick to sweep you before you fall, catching you over his forearm and leaning you down. This allows him to gain further control, deepening the intimacy. Your arms raise around his build, wrapping around the back of his neck and pulling him into you. Your legs instinctively open around him, allowing him to position right over you. It’s then that you realize what you’ve done, and how far you’ve gone. “I- Itto..!”

Your mind swirls in a whirlwind. You’re caught up in a swarm of hormones and emotions, lost and so far gone that you essentially have no consciousness over your decisions. You don’t know why, and you argue with yourself internally over it, but you push his head further down your body and to your chest, arching into him. “I need you… Please,daddy?”


Itto has waited so long for this. He’s in a state of ignorant euphoria, completely ignoring the way you squirm and clench, gorging himself greedily on your cunt. His face is soaked in your essence and sweat, dripping off of about an hour of nonstop orgasms, forcing them out of you by the grace of his tongue. He should be tired, but his stamina is on a different level, never faltering as his tongue whips and swirls through your folds. Your clit is abused and tired, sensitive to even the draft of air blowing through the room.

You feel your orgasm creeping up on you for the- what? 4th? 5th? You’ve lost count, but you know he’s pulled so many from you to the point that the knot tying in your tummy is nothing but a tingle, a shock that sparks once to your fucked out brain. Your body is laid over the end of the bed, your head hanging off the side and your eyes stuck staring at your reflection in the mirror behind you. You watch him as he peels your legs further apart as your subconscious closes them, forcing your hips to the bed as he sucks on your clit. Tears fall down your face out of overstimulation, your body too tired to even blink and fight the pleasure. Your core tightens for the nth time, your stomach wrenching and cunt twitching as your high crashes down upon you. Indistinctly, he’s murmuring against you, but you can infer it’s the same thing he’s been saying for the last hour: “Give it to me, baby. Let me have it, let me taste it– let that pretty pussy make a mess on my face.”

You do. With this sweetest hum and lift of your hips, your clit twitches, and your hole spasms, another stream of cum seeping from your depths and further soiling the sheets. His tongue doesn’t hesitate, slipping with ease in and out of your pussy, obnoxiously drinking up your taste. Itto has yearned for the sweetness that’ll satisfy his endless sweet tooth. You’ve fulfilled his hunger– but his carnal,predatorial desire is far from subdued. His cock aches against the binds of his clothes, a painful throb panging through his shaft as his need for release prolongs. He finally parts from your cunt, tongue swiping over his face and licking up the remnants of your taste, moaning at you on his tongue once more.

He’s quick to unbuckle his pants and discard them, his boxers tossed away soon after. You see his reflection in the mirror– the angry, red tip of his cock leaking a puddle of precum in his slit, the protruding vein that runs from the underside of his cock to the head, thick and ready to blow. You see him all together, the happy trail that leads to the trimmed bush at the base of his dick, the broadness of his shoulders and definition in his muscles… internally, you’re freaking out. Everything about him is so bigandmature. He’s so different compared to the other guys you’ve been with before, from the body to the way he empties your pretty head, there’s not a guy who does it like him.

Itto slips his middle and ring finger into your cunt, the slightly warmed metal of the rings on his fingers leaving you gasping. He drags the digits along your walls, picking up your abundance of slick. Your voice is at a whisper, quiet whimpers sneaking through your lips at the action. “So pretty f’me, princess…”

His fingers are pulled from you, his hand wrapping around the circumference of his cock. Wet from your slick, he groans at the calloused touch of his hand, dragging it up the shaft and sighing shakily. He stares you down in the mirror, eyes meeting yours as he jerks himself off. “Can’t wait to fuck ya’…been waiting so long to feel you around me, babydoll.” his words are somewhat unlike him. Sultry and teasing. It’s evident that it’s not for you, but for him. “Tell daddy how much you want his cock.”

Your breath pauses in your throat, the shamelessness in his words nearly appalling to you. You can admit it’s attractive, and with the huskiness in his voice, it sends shivers coursing through your veins. You can hardly speak anymore– and he should know this, he is the one who tore your voice to shreds earlier by constant pleasure. “You want me to fuck you stupid…wear you down and burn you out from fucking you nonstop on my dick. Tell me you want me to,”

His hisses are more frequent, coming as he teases himself. He leans forward, angling his hips to line up with yours. His cock presses against your cunt, slipping between your labia and falling into a hug by your folds. Wet and warm, he shivers at your feel, using his left hand to position him at your clit before pushing his hips to you, gyrating against you. His mouth drops to produce low moans, his hand propping him up while he uses the opposite to pull you up, leaving the two of you face to face again. “Go on.”

Your lips brush against each other, the air growing condensed between the two of you. It must be some sort of seduction trick because you can suddenly feel all sense returning to you, the stimulation to your clit while being face to face with him reawakening your awareness. Your mouth falls to a crack, your cute whimpers falling through. You nod a ‘yes’, humming as you lean up to him, planting your lips on his in a kiss. “I need it, daddy. So bad..so bad, daddy please–!” you mumble against him. So desperate, so whiny, your voice is sweet in the way you kindly ask, and Itto swears he’s found heaven.

He’s biting on your lip, smiling as he slowly pulls away from you. Your legs open around him, his body repositioning to properly align himself with your hole. With no more time wasted, he’s pushing slowly into you, letting you feel every inch sink in with hisses and heavy breaths. You cry out initially, your toes curling at his entry and your body tensing up. Itto is quick to aid you, building up a ball and spitting onto your cunt, letting the saliva dribble down to where his cock lay nestled inside you before grabbing your right arm and guiding your fingers to toy with your clit. “Just like that…fuck, princess, you’re so fuckin’ tight…”

His teeth sink into his bottom lip as he pushes further to bottom out, groaning as your pelvis meet each other. “Ah, fuck.” if Itto thought you felt good on his face– you feel even crazier around him. You wrap your limbs tight around him, pulling him closer to you to hide in his neck, panting and whimpering at the stretch of your pussy. You’re filled to the brim and he hasn’t even done anything yet, and with this, you’re sure he’ll break you. “‘M gonna start moving, so you hang on tight,” you nod quickly, snuggling deeper into his skin and bracing yourself.

His hands move from your torso to your waist, pulling you back in unison with his hips, slowly to let you feel the revelation of just how big he is with every inch. He holds you off for only a moment before meeting your hips in a rough collision, meeting you in the middle with his hips thrusting upward as he brings you down. You cry out loudly, sinking both your teeth and nails into his skin. His left hand goes down to your ass and gropes the fat, squishing the meat in his big palm before slapping it, “Atta girl. You can take it all like this, right, baby?”

Mhm..! Want it all!—fuck!” and so it begins. A slow, agonizing beginning with deep, precise thrusts and heavy collisions. Tears are already brimming in your eyes and you can’t help but squeal every time his entire length delves into you, his balls slapping against your ass and the base of his cock hitting your clit. His grunts in your ears are like music to your ears, deep and guttural to the point where it’s providing extra stimuli. The mirror gives Itto the perfect view of how cute you are, pressed so tightly and clinging so hard to his body as if you were horrified of letting go. In practice, you’re so much better than what he imagined. So much cuter. So much more tailored perfectly to him, like you were made to serve and be fucked by him. He wants to treat you as his princess. Spoil you in pleasure and fuck you weak like you deserve, but this pit of fire in his chest burns otherwise. And maybe this is another instinct that comes with being a man, but taking you slowly isn’t enough for him. He needs to fuck you like an animal.

That’s enough for him to pull out of you, pull you off of him without a word, and push you against the mattress. He’s flipping you to your stomach with obvious aggression, tuning out your questions, and yanking your hips back. He arches your ass high in the air, smoothing his hand down the curve of your back and pushing the back of your head to shove your face into the mattress, the other hand positioning his cock before he’s wasting no time slamming back into you. Your eyes immediately widen and your jaw drops, squeals and yelps flowing from your throat as he holds no mercy, criminally pounding you with no second thought. He plows your cunt, every ounce of strength being put into his thrusts. With every connection of his tip to your G-spot, you swear you see stars cloud your vision, your body seemingly soaking in bliss.

You’re forced to look into the mirror, watching his face contort from pleasured to determined, eyebrows furrowing and cheeks blowing and deflating, a repeated cycle as his eyes zero in on the way your pussy swallows him up with ease. He hasn’t had a taste of a pussy this good in so long that he’s losing himself, his head feeling like a blur as his first orgasm rushes up upon him. His grunts shift to moans, unabashedly sounding from his gut as he approaches his high. “Oh, fuck! Fuckfuckfuck– gonna cum inside you–!”

One final thrust has him dumping ropes of thick cum and pent-up frustration deep inside you, his hips twitching slightly as he dumps his load. His moans are incredibly arousing to you and you’re whining just by hearing them, pushing your hips back against him and grinding–fucking yourself on his cock. His hand comes down against your ass, slapping it with a grin on his face. “So fuckin’ sexy, princess,” he muses, leaning over your body. He dips his head in the crook of your neck, lips kissing the tender skin. His tongue pokes through his lips, running from your neck to your shoulder where he kisses once more. “Gonna fuck you so full. ‘M not stopping ‘til I’ve given you everything I got.”

“I want it all…” you sniffle, connecting your eyes through the mirror. He only grins wider, brushing the side of your face with his fingers. “I know. My angel’s gonna take every last bit, like the fucktoy she is..”

He starts again. Rough and mean, calloused hands grabbing your biceps and tugging you to him. His hips are like magic, hitting every and any spot perfectly, with just enough power that your voice is on a loop. Your hips smack with disgusting wetness, the sound loudly bouncing off the walls. His name rolls off your tongue with ease, cry’s, and pleas that “‘’s too much!” filling his ears. He loves this. How your cunt contracts around him and how your voice sings his praises, it’s like heaven for him.

“Rub your clit..make yourself cum, princess,” he whispers, changing the pace at which he fucks you. He returns to the slower, deeper thrusts, watching as you obediently toy with your clit before ferociously attacking the sensitive bud, contrasting completely to him and fighting for your orgasm. Your head throws backward and your toes curl, it’s coming. You don’t even have to say anything before he’s picking up the pace once more, sloppily railing into you. It’s all too much, and before you know it, you’re seeing white, your eyes rolling and your body falling limp as your orgasm knocks upon you. Your voice wears out by then, your body slumping to the mattress weakly as Itto lets you go, admiring the way your pussy spasms around him.

He takes no pause in letting you come down from your high, flipping you back over and raising your legs to your chest. Translucent white drips down your pussy, so pretty and making you shine. Itto wishes he would’ve done this sooner.

It continues on into the night. You’re riding him, laying sideways, being crushed beneath him, curling up, getting on the floor– you’re sure Itto made sure to put you in every position and fuck you on every surface in his bedroom, making you cum with each one. It’s amazing how much stamina a determined Arataki Itto holds. It’s even scary when he has no remorse for abusing your cunt like nothing. Maybe you’ll stay home and won’t try to move out– but if you do, he’s sure to help you make some memories before you go.
