#daily chrissa thoughts


To those curious about my pregnancy I had my beautiful baby on the 25th of January and we couldn’t be happier!

On January the 24th I was taken into the hospital to be induced as they were concerned about something called Shoulder dystocia which is basically where the babys shoulders get stuck on their way out.

I went in at 12 in the afternoon and after two hours of tests and waiting they finally induced me using a newer method of induction. (painful. I bled.)

This method has to be left in for 12 hrs meaning at 2am they once again violated my cervix

After a full 12 hrs of inducing, they made me wait a further 2 hours while listening to my baby.

Keep in mind that I wasn’t allowed anyone in there with me. Even my partner was only allowed a two hour.

By 4am I was told that I’d be able to get my waters popped later that day but I was in so much pain by 8 I barely even registered my waters had gone on there own at 8.30am.

They wouldn’t give me any painkillers until I was in deliver suite which didn’t happen until I was 5cm dilated at 5.15pm.

By this point I was in so much pain I just wanted it to be over my contractions were practically every few seconds and they were only getting worse.

After getting up there I had 30 minutes with gas and air and finally my fiancé got to the hospital at 6pm. Now I’m screaming at midwife telling her I think I need to push but she keeps saying I can’t I’m only 5 cm.

However when she checked me again I was 9cm so I had to start pushing soon…

After thinking I was gonna die with no painkillers and screaming at my fiancé that I couldn’t do it anymore…

At 8.53pm my baby boy was born at 8lbs 5oz

We have been home for 3 weeks now we’ve had our ups and downs but I wouldn’t change them for anything.

Yes he screams for me constantly and most days I’m running on 3-4 hours and a lot of coffee but he is also the most beautiful amazing little human I’ve ever seen and I can’t believe I created him!

I’ve never loved anyone or anything as much as I love him…thank you baby boy for being born into my waiting arms.
