#daily dracula



Anyway, for me, the funniest part of the tumblr Dracula book club is that there’s WAY more Dracula nerds than I previously thought, and we’re all collectively waking up, looking at tumblr, and finding that our hyperfixation is suddenly relevant.

And then we all get to sit in the corner giggling at all the newbies who have no idea what they signed up for. I saw a post like “oh boy can’t wait to see everyone’s reactions to the polycule antics” and half of the tags were like “sorry, the what?”


I apologize for what my blog is going to become.


broke: reading the dracula novel

woke: signing up for emails to experience dracula in real time

bespoke: experiencing the story of dracula third-hand via gossip amongst your mutuals’ networks

rozhevisny:cupcakeshakesnake: Pictured: Dracula 10 minutes before leaving to pick up Jonathan djgjjfrozhevisny:cupcakeshakesnake: Pictured: Dracula 10 minutes before leaving to pick up Jonathan djgjjf



Pictured: Dracula 10 minutes before leaving to pick up Jonathan


Post link



Hey if you’re new to tumblr don’t worry about people telling you not to come here because it’s “dead” or a “hell site” or “the users will force you to eat bees”, it’s actually pretty cool, no matter what the rest of the internet keeps telling you. Oh, and you totally won’t need those crosses and garlic they gave you. Yeah, no, I don’t know why they broke down weeping and told you that for your mother’s sake you should stay away from this website. Maybe a joke about the history of nsfw content I guess? Anyways, come on in, we’ve been eagerly awaiting your visit.

“Welcome to my social network! Enter freely and of your own will!”


Dracula 1897 is a sitcom


jonathan once again crushed by the social awkwardness of having to pretend he didn’t just watch a guy pretend to be his own servant for clout


Dracula during Jonathan’s stay:


our boy jonathan on may 8th



Johnathan Harker AKA Blorbo from my emails.


are we not gonna address the fact that jonathan just. fully accepted that he just met this guy and suddenly dracula is like ‘my friend!!! my amazing f—“ oh my god we’re dracula


I thought it was like a modern take on the book but no yall are just collectively reading actual Dracula and liveblogging it like Jonathan Harker is an influencer or some shit. Never change


If any of you want to know how painfully polite and non confrontational English people can truly be, sign up for daily Dracula. I keep seeing foreign readers complain about Johnathan not ever asking any questions but I’m just there reading like “well yeah that would be so rude omg the man has opened his home to you why would you offend him like that”. Yes I would get killed by Dracula but at least I would be a good guest thank you and good day


honestly Jonathan Harker’s stronger than me bc if a man carried my luggage to my room, provided me with food and a place to stay, accompanied me each meal just so I didn’t feel lonely AND said i was his Friend and gave me free access to his library I’d literally unsee the tiny red flags like why is he not eating, why aren’t there mirrors, is he even alive, etc etc and keep going like he’s literally meeting all my standards who can do it like Dracula


Dracula would be the language-learner who’s like ‘Sorry, my English isn’t the best. Would you use the subjunctive here?’ and Jon’s like ‘wtf is subjunctive’.


as someone who’s not subscribed myself, I love seeing people’s posts about the daily Dracula stuff, bc it makes me feel like I’m someone in town overhearing all the gossip about the weird shit being described in the letters from Your Good Friend Jonathan Harker, which imo makes this all the more communal and organic, bc quite frankly secondhand weird town gossip is the best way to receive news

theshitpostcalligrapher:POV your fiance drew short straw and had to go do baby attorney things in wh


POV your fiance drew short straw and had to go do baby attorney things in whatever hell-journey his employer threw him at

text ID under the cutoff

Keep reading

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Love that Jonathan Harker realizes the request to pre-write letters and put different dates on them is a big red murder flag but he still calling Dracula ‘suave’ in his diary.

Very excited for you Dracula Daily people to discover Quincey Morris, because he’s been cut out of almost every media adaptation because screenwriters are cowards.

This is the results of my $10 My Immortal shitpost. The numbers are a bit inaccurate, as there were quite a few reblogs.

Also not counted were the folks telling me to go back to Twitter, told me to make better friends, or calling me old (that one was a fair criticism).

Would I do it again? Nah. But it was my birthday, I had an extra $10, and it was a fun thing to play with.


all 1890s men know is complain about train schedules, ignore red flags, write journal entries, be bisexual, eat paprika, and lie




personally i am sick of the cryptic shit on tumbler dot com. all of a sudden people are making vague references to a daily dracula and i am just supposed to roll with the punches and think on the fly. i am supposed to understand. but the truth is i don’t even know which bloodsucker we are vagueblogging about. is it the real dracula or the one from hotel transylvania. or are we simply making a new dracula every day????? i don’t know a lot but that seems unsustainable. to me personally

i scrolled on the tag for 3 minutes and i think i figured it out. i created this graphic based on what i learned. let me know if i’m wrong or anything

