#i love the internet










why is france called the hexagon when its abundantly clear that it’s a pentagon


mmm i guess i see it i was definitely seeing 1 and 2 as one side plus the left and right sides slope out more

yeah tbh i see how you can see 1 and 2 as one side

actually its a decagon

careful apollo might hear you

ok but if we r being really pedantic it’s a triacontakaipentagon (35 sides)

ur all wrong actually



tag: #in an omega verse situation. this is what is on the beta pride flagALT

Nope@andhumanslovedstories that’s not staying in the tags I’ve decided




girls could learn a thing or two from their dad

They’ve been surpassed by the master

Props to whoever was recording it for keeping their composure too


I wish raccoons could talk.

Not because I think they would tell us hidden truths of the wilds,

but because I suspect they would really enjoy creative cursing.

And I want that for them.




i think it’s super funny that you can italicize emojis. like.


fucken wimdy


AITA for judging the lifestyle of the man whose castle I’m living in?

My (31M) client (765M) has generously offered to let me stay with him in his castle (!!) in Romania while we close up some business. The castle is incredible but my host is really starting to weird me out. I promise it’s not just that I can’t stop thinking about his hands or that looking at his pants makes me feel funny. I’m fine, okay? Its just that he told me he had servants but now that I’m here I think he’s just cleaning everything really fast the second I leave the room. Yeah, okay, I get social anxiety too, but the other night he barged into my room and chucked my shaving mirror out the window. I’m trying my best here but I’m starting to think he might be a jerk. Yesterday he locked all the doors and I thought, well, he’s a private kind of guy, but look - is it normal for a man to climb down a wall like a huge bug or something? Just down a straight vertical drop using his fingers and toes like some kind of lizard?




guy who does unboxing videos but he only talks about the boxes

“Hey, everyone, welcome back. Our first box today is a Uline nine by five by four. Single piece of clear shipping tape over the top, two inch, and the UPS label nicely centered. No edge tape, and you know, that’s fine. This box is pretty light, I’d say under a pound, and taped edges don’t really add much stability here. Let’s open it up and see what we’ve got for dunnage…okay, half-inch bubble wrap, that’s unusual in a box of this size.”

Is he a cat










Thought exercise. You are me, you are hungry, you want to make my world famous pancake recipe. This recipe needs four eggs. You have three eggs. Do you:

a) go to the store. yes you have a cold, but you could be in and out fast. then again you could run into someone you know. embarrassing.

b) go across the street to your grandparent’s house and ask to borrow an egg. you may or may not get a lecture about not being at church. is it worth it.

c) use two of the raw eggs and two hard-boiled eggs. surely this will work out fine

if you picked c, congratulations, you correctly picked my thought process. i have committed an affront to god and my tummy hurts so badly

actually oddly enough the pancakes tasted fine, despite all of the bits of whole egg falling out of them, which is where the affront to god kicks in

anyway if this ever happens again i’m just gonna go to the store. experiment failed, we’ll get ‘em next time

i didn’t….i didn’t even think to do that

I could’ve…used other ingredients……?

actually you know what in fairness to me i’ve been on a lot of cold medicine this week while battling a virus. from now on i’m only making sandwiches

i’m no longer on ungodly amounts of cold medicine! i wish i could tell you i have no memory of making this post, and by extension the pancakes, but unfortunately i do!

The Three Egg Solution Comment Alignment Chart:



Need a new word for old blorbos that aren’t really your blorbos anymore but you still feel fondness or them. The series ended or you fell out of the fandom, but your mutuals still put them on your dash sometimes and you go aw. he’s still out there making it in the big city.

Blorbeens is the funniest response so far thank you. They been my blorbos





the great lakes are like…domesticated oceans 

sorry, but i can’t help but be pedantic here. all oceans are wild creatures. the great lakes are an example of tamed oceans, not domesticated. people often conflate the two, with disastrous results. the great lakes are more habituated to human presence and even taught to behave in certain ways but they are still wild creatures. though seemingly docile, any close interaction with them bears great risk. understanding this is the very first step of responsible ocean husbandry.

you know what you’re right 

Just because the Great Lakes are smaller and cuter than oceans doesn’t mean they’re less dangerous.


My favorite part of any Florence + the Machine song when she goes






guy who does unboxing videos but he only talks about the boxes

“Hey, everyone, welcome back. Our first box today is a Uline nine by five by four. Single piece of clear shipping tape over the top, two inch, and the UPS label nicely centered. No edge tape, and you know, that’s fine. This box is pretty light, I’d say under a pound, and taped edges don’t really add much stability here. Let’s open it up and see what we’ve got for dunnage…okay, half-inch bubble wrap, that’s unusual in a box of this size.”

Sometimes a post throws into perspective just how much niche knowledge you possess.

I read this, and I can tell from the “review” that the package was NOT shipped by a professional.

One: two inch tape. Professional establishments use three inch. It’s MUCH easier to seal boxes with, especially around the edges. Two inch is what you can buy from office depot or lowe’s. It’s fine for moving house, but it’s definitely not professional grade.

Two: no edge tape. Just seal your edges, people. UPS basically plays soccer with your packages. Even the light ones, just on principal, give them the structural support you can offer.

Three: centered label. Looks pretty on a package, sure, but it makes it very likely that the label will be covered up when the box is sitting in a stack or a pile, and that increases the chance that it will be manhandled to get to that label or even potentially mis-scanned or missed altogether in a stack. Label the SIDE of the box if at all possible! And put it to the side if you can’t! Visibility!

Also, the reviewer may be accustomed to getting a lot of boxes, but I don’t think they were a professional shipper, either. Someone who has shipped too many boxes would comment on whether the box was new or reused, whether there was any special hazmat (mostly lithium-ion battery) labeling, the condition of the package post shipping, and whether or not the weight of the package matched the stated weight on the label. AND they’d have commented on the two-inch packing tape.

I don’t know what to say other than “your experiences are not universal,” because I do shipping and receiving at a machine shop for a living, I see packages sent by professional shippers all the time, and I disagree with you on just about every point.

One: two inch tape. Professional establishments use three inch.

Nope. For packages I see, two inch packing tape is the norm. Today I had one package with three-inch water-activated reinforced paper tape and one (from Uline) with 2.75" packing tape. Everything else used 2" packing tape. Yes, it’s exactly the same kind of stuff that you can get at Office Depot or Lowe’s, and people use it because it gets the job done.

Two: no edge tape.

Not uncommon for small, light packages. I just don’t see box failures on packages under a pound where more tape would have helped. Where I do see failures is overloaded boxes, thirty pounds and up, where the corrugate simply ripped, and no amount of tape would have saved the package.

PSA: please don’t fill an 8x8x6 single-wall box with machine screws and expect it to arrive intact. Fastenal, I’m looking at you.

Three: centered label.

Label on top is standard. I had only one box today with the label on the side, and all the rest on top.

Looks pretty on a package, sure, but it makes it very likely that the label will be covered up when the box is sitting in a stack or a pile, and that increases the chance that it will be manhandled

Your package will get manhandled, regardless of where you put the label. Plan on it.

to get to that label or even potentially mis-scanned or missed altogether in a stack. Label the SIDE of the box if at all possible!

Heck no! I expect labels to be on top and that’s the first place I look for them. If it’s on the side, that’s potentially four other places I have to look, which is a pain in the ass when I’m busy. And I’m always busy.

UPS, incidentally, says you should put the label on the largest surface. For the packages I get, that’s usually the top.

Someone who has shipped too many boxes would comment on whether the box was new or reused,

Okay, that’s legit. I do see a fair number of reused boxes.

whether there was any special hazmat (mostly lithium-ion battery) labeling

Hazmats aren’t common enough to mention it every time when there isn’t one present. (My hazmats are usually solvents or paint, and that’s not something I get every day.)

the condition of the package post shipping

Not usually noteworthy. My internal monolog (which is what the above fanciful review is based on) doesn’t bother to mention it unless something unusual happened to the box.

whether or not the weight of the package matched the stated weight on the label

Although I ship just as many packages as I receive, if not more, it never would have occurred to me to check. And I don’t have a scale in the receiving department, so it would be guesswork anyway.

AND they’d have commented on the two-inch packing tape.

Which everyone uses. There’s not much need to comment when it’s far and away the most common type of tape.

Perhaps things have been different for you, but this is how it is in the manufacturing industry.




personally i am sick of the cryptic shit on tumbler dot com. all of a sudden people are making vague references to a daily dracula and i am just supposed to roll with the punches and think on the fly. i am supposed to understand. but the truth is i don’t even know which bloodsucker we are vagueblogging about. is it the real dracula or the one from hotel transylvania. or are we simply making a new dracula every day????? i don’t know a lot but that seems unsustainable. to me personally

i scrolled on the tag for 3 minutes and i think i figured it out. i created this graphic based on what i learned. let me know if i’m wrong or anything






why does no understand the common courtesy of reblogging fics that they enjoy?

minors dni

i am a four year old sickly orphan and this sponsored post is the last thing i see before i pass away how does that make you feel

The fact that Tumblr forces you to live with the consequences of your Blazed post for 24 hours… obsessed


Tina learns to drive a cruise ship
