

- See? This is gonna be fun! Now we’re each gonna have one. I won’t fuck mine either.
- You’re disgusting.
- Just an acquired taste. You’re gonna grow to love me, I promise.

1.04 ‘Dissonance Theory’

Jesus, I can’t believe I let you talk me into this shit. 40K a day to jerk off alone in the woods, playing white hat.

1.03 ‘The Stray’

It’s all come-on. Him, the girl next door, the town drunk. They all got some big adventure that they want to sell you on.

1.02 ‘Chestnut’

- This place seduces everybody eventually. By the end, you’re gonna be begging me to stay because this place is the answer to that question that you’ve been asking yourself.
- What question?
- Who you really are. And I can’t fucking wait to meet that guy.

1.02 ‘Chestnut’

Guys like us, Frank, we need this! It’s all we’re good for. Just a couple of assholes who thought we could have the good things in life. But we are not good people, Frank. We never were!

1.13 ‘Memento Mori’
