#dale gallon

Men of Iron by Dale Gallon - Colonel Henry Morrow and the Iron Brigade’s 24th MI fight a desperate d

Men of Iron by Dale Gallon - Colonel Henry Morrow and the Iron Brigade’s 24th MI fight a desperate delaying action back to Seminary Ridge at Gettysburg on the afternoon of July 1, 1863. With all the color party down, Colonel Morrow took the flag to rally his command (x)

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Minnesota Forever by Dale Gallon - Gettysburg, Sundown July 2, 1863 – Along the upper reaches of Plu

Minnesota Forever by Dale Gallon - Gettysburg, Sundown July 2, 1863 – Along the upper reaches of Plum Run west of Cemetery Ridge, Major General Winfield Scott Hancock orders the 1st Minnesota to advance in a desperate attempt to hold the Union line (x)

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