#damian priest imagine


WWE Masterlist 

word count: 800

description: Damian has tried everything to get you to go out with him, and after talking with Rhea and addressing some of your fears, you realized that maybe damian isn’t what is repuatation makes him out to be. 

Damian didn’t understand what else he had to do to prove that he had feelings for you, every time he did something, you would awkwardly say thank you and part of him was beginning to think that you didn’t like him like everyone had claimed that you did. Rhea being his best friend and hating to see him so hurt offered to talk to you.

Rhea asked you if you wanted to have breakfast with her and you said yes even if you had a feeling it had something to deal with Damian. You showered and got dressed and took an Uber to the restaurant where you two decided to meet, and when you walked in you saw already at a table waving you over.

“Hi babes.” You said hugging her before taking a seat in the booth.

“I hoped you don’t mind but I went ahead and ordered a drink at least.” She said which you were thankful for.

“Thank you but I assume that you didn’t just invite me here to catch up, your here on Damian’s behalf.” You asked her.

“Your good but yes I am as his friend who has watched him do everything to show that he really likes you and I know you like him so I was wondering why you haven’t accepted any of his dates or anything.” She said making you sigh.

“I do like him a lot actually and I want to accept his offer for a date but I’ve heard some things that scare me because they remind me of my past.” You said.

“What things?” She asked.

“I’ve heard that he lives the 80’s rockstar life, like having relationships with multiple women at the same time, partying, and all that stuff. Which the partying and other stuff I don’t care about but it’s the relationship with multiple women that scares me because when I’m with someone I’m with them, you know?” You asked her.

“I do but I also want you to know as someone who travels with Damian and has been friends with him a long time that once he’s in a relationship with someone he truly cares for then that person is it for him. There’s no one else but him and that person.” She said.

“I know you are scared but you should try talking to him about how you are feeling and hear him tell you with his own mouth what I just told you. Because I can tell you both really like each other and I would hate for something like this to keep you two apart.” She as you nodded listening to her words.

A few hours later after talking to your best friend, you were ready to talk to Damian about how you were feeling when you heard someone knock on your door. Confused you walked over to your door and looked out the peephole and saw Damian standing on the other side which made you open the door and let him.

“Hi sweetheart, I was hoping we could talk if you’re not busy.” He said.

“Sure thing I was actually going to text you about that.” You said closing the door and taking a seat on the bed.

“You were?” He asked you.

“Yeah, I had an interesting conversation this afternoon that made me realize I need to fix my communication skills.” You said.

“So first off Damian, I want you to know that I like you a lot and wanted to say yes to your numerous date offers.” You said.

“Then why didn’t you?” He asked you.

“Because I was scared. I don’t know if you know this but you have a reputation of being known for having relationships with multiple women at the same time and I’m not that type of person, and I wasn’t going to force you to change or stop being who you are.” You said.

“That’s understandable sweetheart, but I want you to know that despite my reputation I’m actually a one-woman kind of guy and you are the only one I want right now. I just never addressed a few things so people assumed that’s how I lived.” He said lacing his hands with yours.

“Really?” You asked already a smile forming on your face.

“Really. So you gonna finally let me take you on that date?” He asked you mirroring your smile.

“I would love nothing more.” You said.
