#damon albarn is porn


I took these screenshots like AGES ago and IDK… I found them arousing, so there u go, enjoy it

That’s enough for turning on ANYONE

Sexiness overloaded

(I wanna be that bottle and I wanna be inside his jeans)

I don’t know if it is just me - I’m sure not, right @emiliadarklady ? - but… That long blonde beard on his neck is sex to me

That’s a pretty sexy face … and LOOK AT THAT HAIRY CHEST

The boy is always hot as fuck (even with that hat and even if he looks pregnant)

Happy 51th Birthday to Damon Albarn and all his multiple identities ❤️

(But especially to ANAL Mad Born and to Ban Damn ORAL )

That neck’s vein is SO FUCKING SEXY. HELP.

What a cute little boy

What a great bulge
