#danny chase


And with that season 4 of Young Justice comes to a close


  • Ok first and foremost
  • Fucking called it!
  • Dick faking his death and slowing his heartbeat (taught by Batman)
  • Also Bart!!!
  • Anyways onto the fight scene,
  • I thought it was pretty good. I liked how everyone was fighting and seemed in a way dynamic (is that the word I’m looking for?) What I’m trying to say it flowed great
  • My heart when Conner remembered his family from the scene when he and Clark talked back in season 1 but also him meeting the Kent’s and him being brought in and then Conner meeting Jonny (also conformation that it IS Jonathan Samuel Kent (the Jon from Super Sons) and not some random son of Superman named Jon (there are many of those)
  • I love that Dick told M’gann to go off on these clowns and unleash her demigoddess

  • And she did
  • I love that we got to see her go off but like also keep in control. Like you can tell that she is at full force but isn’t loosing control like she did when she was younger.
  • I am so glad M’comm didn’t kill Danny. I was worried there for a second. Then he started fighting and he got to fight M’comm in his mind himself.
  • I love that Bart after being held prisoner for days?weeks? He’s running around and it just made me smile

  • Till he got hit and Artemis called him kid

  • I love the Artemis and Dick team up!
  • Also when Conner didn’t “recognize Kaldur as family” I was like yeah it the beard
  • When M’comm fell into the boom tube to the phantom zone and M’gann said that he was happy that Conner died was just hit me so hard.
  • Rocket coming in hot
  • I was not expecting that! It was great!
  • I love how Metron is just like so chaotic and like so petty.
  • And I completely forgot about the smudge stain on the wall in the cave. I just wrote it off like that’s just a red herring or something. But the fact that it was Lor Zod made me so happy(?) because the story came like full circle kinda.
  • The sunrise at the end of the fight signaling a new day (a new *fill in the blank*) was pretty.
  • So the Villains got their own planets
  • M’comm got Durla which coincidently is Chameleon Boy’s home planet. They’re both shapeshifters but what is this mean in the grand scheme of things? Like we can assume that the A’ashenn become the race Chameleon Boy is. So should we assume that maybe the G’arrunn and the B’lahdenn become another race too? I heard about the theory that Saturn Girl is a descendent of M’gann so maybe?
  • Then we got Daxxam and Ursa. I don’t know what she’s going to do? But I do know and was thinking of this since he was first introduced, Lor Zod is Chris Kent and he is an adopted son of Lois and Clark. So that might still happen.
  • I loved the little moment we got with the Kent’s breaking the news about Conner to Jon and the video message of the wedding.
  • Everyone is at the wedding!
  • M’gann’s parents are here! With her sister! I love the conclusion we got with her sister saying that she’s decided to change her name back to M’ree M’orzz. I wished we got to see her more.
  • Gar talked to Perdita and I liked it. Perdita saying that she still loved Gar and forgives him but has moved on and so should he. It was a nice moment. While I would love for them to get back together, I also love that even though you love a person you can move on from someone and take yourself out of a relationship after a bad situation. Plus it didn’t make it seem like she is required to get back together with him just because he apologizes. Gar’s not a bad person and she knows that. But she has moved on and I think they’ll be friends.
  • I wonder if the break up is setting up Raven? Possible but maybe not
  • Also we now know that the future is back on and Conner still has his role as doing something very importaint.
  • Any guesses?
  • You know how I said everyone was at the wedding well…


  • Oh my god! I’m SO glad he made it in this season! He’s crying too!
  • He also caught the bouquet. (Artemis’s (new) new love interest?!?)
  • Lucas making the classic wedding jokes
  • Jon running to give them their rings was so cute!!!
  • The speeches they gave about their love for one another was good!
  • Is Black Canary hinting at Heroes in Crisis?!?
  • Didn’t everyone hated that?!?
  • Cause if I remember correctly when it came out all of you were yelling
  • Anyways I’m not complete sure my memory is right on that but what I remember clearly is that WALLY WEST appears in that!
  • Also Wally kills people
  • But WALLY WEST is in that ALIVE
  • Also why is this Black Canary’s reasoning? Like that is some people’s issues but that isn’t really the problem with someone like Gar. Gar was grieving. He was grieving poorly but grieving. He needed to be with people and to talk to them. Going to a place even if it would be more peaceful is not a guaranteed solution nor is it really a solution. It could help the solution but it doesn’t really matter at the end of the day where you get help or only matters if and what type of help you get. The reason why they have a lot of them have mental health issues is because they’re heroes. You need to find a solution to that. Not worry about how many.
  • That after credits scene
  • For one finally got an update of Mary. I’m happy they didn’t leave us hanging till next season (is there a next season?!?)
  • But the bigger deal is
  • Kara is here and I have so many questions like why was she in the Phantom Zone? Did Vandal Savage specifically chose her because he knew of her connection? Or was it a coincidence? Was it Klarion who picked her out?
  • Anyways overall a great season finale! It closed the some plots that had to be close this season but also hinted at more to come in the next.
  • I think this season was pretty good. Yes there were some problems but like at this point most shows do. While I do believe we can hope for better and expect better, I do think that this was pretty good (considering that they worked on this during the shut down I think). The arcs ranged from pretty good to great. I only really have a problem with two of the arcs. Well ones a problem and ones a question.
  • The problem I have with one of the arcs is Rocket’s. I just felt like it was really focused on the characters. Like the plot there was mostly set up and like everything else felt kinda well background. I did like Razer and the bugs and Rocket’s son, but I felt like it wasn’t really focused on any characters really and I know that probably sounds crazy because it probably is. Does anyone get what I’m trying to say? Like I can’t fully remember what happened besides Razer, Tomar-Re dying, Forager becoming a Green Lantern, Jay being great, Amistad being amazing, the legion and Bart and like that’s it. It just felt weaker than the others.
  • The question is how does Artemis’s fit into this? Like everyone had call backs to their arcs but like Artemis had none. It’s like hers could be taken away and it wouldn’t affect the plot. And that makes me mad because I loved her part. But I felt like there had to be something there and the only thing is the ending with for one Ra’s doing what Dinah talked about in a way and that ending scene with Lady Shiva and Talia looking evil which means they’re future villains. I guess? Unknown. This has me worried about what they have in store for Jason and Damian. What are your thoughts on how her arc fits?

See you guys next season!
