#danny is spooky



Jazz Fenton was a star student! All of her professors could attest, she was 16 already attending Ivy League over zoom calls and outwitting her older classmates. Every psychology professor loves her, and others wanted her in their class due to her spirit and shine.

Today she was supposed to propose her thesis with a presentation, something saved for closer to graduation students but she was always ahead of her peers! So she was talking about her idea of including a parapsychology course in her studies, comparing it to a therapeutic type. It was an interesting conversation to say the least. And that was before the weirdest thing happened.

Jazz sat in her seat, room pristine and organized as it was wont to be. Behind her was a blurry background of her door as well, said door opened silently enough that none of them noticed. Maybe Jazz had, with the way her lip twitched slightly but she hid herself well enough.

As the door opened there was a dark figure creeping to the side, clinging to the door as it slowly made its way to the ceiling. Finally Professor Lisa McLean noticed this and had to blink several times to make sure she wasn’t seeing things. Maybe she had one too many cups of coffee today- because there was no possible way that there was a dark figure only illuminated by green eyes and whitish dots on its face crawling on the ceiling. It’s head askew and upside down to stare down at Jazz.

Professor Andrew Whorls gasped, and Jazz was brought out of her reverie. She had been hiding the flapping of her hands, but everyone knew she was invested in her topic.

“What’s wrong Professor- ah! Get out of my room I’m in a zoom call!” Jazz glared at the thing on her ceiling, which looked slightly abashed at the scolding.

Sorry. Dinners ready.” It responded in a vaguely boyish voice before melting into a puddle on the floor and phasing through said floorboards.

Jazz huffed and then yelled again, “Come close my door you jerk!”

The door slammed shut as if done by magic. Then she turned her attention back to the audience and smiled as if nothing happened, “Sorry, where was I?”

This… yes…

Danny being f***ing creepy!
