#danny phantom

dailudannos: I’ve been in a weird funk lately, so take this Technus heavily inspired by @letswonders


I’ve been in a weird funk lately, so take this Technus heavily inspired by @letswonderspirit‘s style of the green bean man :-)

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Reality Trip: A Danny Phantom AU Zine

Would you like to delve into the mysteries of the multiverse with us? Then be ready to take a Reality Trip that you’ll certainly never forget!

Interest Check Opens on May 2nd…

krossan:there are 3 types of siblings: The Bad, The Sweet, and The Annoying. Take your pick. krossan:there are 3 types of siblings: The Bad, The Sweet, and The Annoying. Take your pick. krossan:there are 3 types of siblings: The Bad, The Sweet, and The Annoying. Take your pick.


there are 3 types of siblings: The Bad, The Sweet, and The Annoying. Take your pick.

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Black History Month Art Challenge

Day 15: Valerie Gray from Danny Phantom


a phantom >:3

I’m sick of dancing around this. I’m gonna say it

If DP is ever revived somehow, the characters would need to be aged up at least a few years so we can have a delivery of the line “How should I scare you?” over which we can ethically thirst


Three weeks have past since Dani came to Beika. I solved ten murders, stopped three kidnappings, and ended up in the middle of the robbery that wasn’t a KID heist. A surprisingly slow month for crime all and all. I can’t help but think as I head down to Haibara’s lab as Conan. Ai called me earlier to come over right away because she figured something out and she want to talk to me face to face.

Reaching the bottom step brings me face to face with Ai, and she quick tries to drag me into her lab. Thank goodness I’m so good at floating on a dime in human from or I would have tripped and fell on my face. 

“Good your here.” Ai says, “I finally figured out why Dani is so unstable,” as we pass by the caged and de-aged rats she that survived her little test with APTX and ectoplasm, heading towards the table on the far side that is heavily layed down with various notes and papers.

I look at the cages and ask, “Hey Ai, why are you missing a few rats? I only count fifty rats here, didn’t you say you were going to keep them to help check for potential long term side effects for the de-aging from APTX?”

Ai stops walking and gives me an annoyed look but she does reply with, “The missing five escaped because they joined the ranks of half-ghost Rats after I accidentally dropped one of your blood samples into the cage they were in, but we didn’t come down here to talk about my experiments, remember?”

I really want to ask which version of my blood sample did it, but Ai’s right Dani is more important right now… though I feel I have to add, “It’s probably a good thing that you used only one gender for the rats tests. Thinking about it I mean, or all of Tokyo would be dealing with a Half ghost rat infestation by now. Your right though Dani is more important… So what did you figure out.” I ask while sitting in the air because there is no free chairs, since Ai has already sit down in the one chair in this room.

Ai gains this annoyed twitch in her eyes at my compete defiance of physics but in honestly she should be used to it by now… I’m not exactly shy about what I am after all… even when I should be like at school. Thank Kami the other detective boys and Ran help out when I inevitably mess up.

Ai grabs some of the papers off the desk and passing some to me, and I don’t bother trying to read them now, because she’s likely about to explain the basics right now. “From what I can tell, Danielle a.k.a Dani his prefect healthy on the human side its her ghost half that the issue. I had a hard time narrowing down the issues at first but once the least batch of Fenton tech came I found something.” Ai pauses to take a breathe, “The vast majority of Dani’s ectoplasm doesn’t count as her own, it counts as Danny’s and has Danny’s Ectosignature not Dani’s. Which is different from Danny’s by the way though it is related, if Ectosignatures are the ghost equivalent of DNA then Dani counts as Danny’s close genetic Sibling on the ghost side of things-”

“Ai focus, this is fascinating and all but what wrong with Dani and how do we fix it. We can go over the weird, wild world of Yūrei Hanyou biology after Dani stops trying to melt into a puddle of green goo.” I interrupt Ai as she was starting to get sidetracked.

Ai startles and gains a very near undetectable flush of red in her cheeks and leans back in her chair. “Right… so to make a long sorry short, Dani’s Core is rejecting the Ectoplasm in her body that counts as Danny’s, basically just like an improperly matched organ donation among humans, this fact is made even worse by the fact the percentage of the ectoplasm in her body that counts as Danny’s is as high as 85%, though almost all of that is bound up in her cells thank the Kami.”

“Why is it being bound up in her cells is a good thing?” I ask honestly curious.

“Its why she’s almost stable if she doesn’t use her powers and she takes care of her human needs, in fact if she stays human 24/7 and doesn’t use powers ever, she will naturally replace Danny’s ectoplasm with her own in about an estimated five years going by the samples I’ve taken. The only ectoplasm that regularly passes though the core as a human is in the blood and looking at Dani’s blood 99% of the ectoplasm in the blood counts as hers.” Ai states, “Granted relying on a slow natural processes is completely unnecessary when I’ve already figured out how to speed it up and doing so is likely as detrimental to her mental health as forcing you to stay in your attic for so long was for you.”

I internally wince at the mention of my attic. “Right… so what do you need me to do to help you get started? You need me for some reason right? That’s why you called me?”

“I need some of your blood.” Ai flatly states

“Um why? also which age and state?” I ask confused

“Teen and human for blood type, and as for why? Remember that accident I mentioned with the rats? Some of your blood also got into the samples I was studying for Dani’s case back then and surprisingly it caused the two ectosignatures to play nice for a little while. There’s something in your blood that acts like a ghostly immune suppressant and I hope if I have more of it I can find it and either synthesize it or failing that extract it for my use in the future cure.” Ai explains

That makes a lot of sense actually, and in lieu of an answer I simply became my teenaged self right then and their and start sanitizing my arms as Ai was blinking the spots out her eyes. The transformation is quite bright after all. 

Things get done quickly after Ai recovers from the blue flash of the change age transformation, and as my blood got added to a blood bag, Ai is going to need as much blood as possible to find the unknown chemicals in my blood, I ask. “So Ai, what’s the next step after you get my blood?”

Ai seems to think the question over as she watches the bag fill with my green tinged blood while tapping her gloved hand against the blood bag. “Well… the next step is coming up with a chemical regimen designed to slowly strip the ectosignature from ectoplasm making it neutral enough to be taken in by any ghost and making it target the ectoplasm that matches Danny’s over Dani’s. The finished product is probably going to be something like a chemotherapy regimen with likely similar risks and side effects. Agasa is looking into picking up a decent movable bed that can work as a makeshift hospital bed for when the time comes…” at this Ai stops talking to focus on stopping the flow of blood and bandaged up my arm until my fast healing takes care of it.

I rub my arm because my arms always seems to be sore after Ai extracts any amount of blood from them, and as Ai regathers her thoughts. I turn back to Conan with a bit of relief. I’m thankfully not as bad as I was, where I got full on panic attacks if I stayed a teenager for to long, but I’m still extremely uncomfortable to be a teenager in Japan. 

Ai gives me an annoyed look once more, as she is rapidly blinking the spots away, and I give a sheepish look as I regret not warning her I was going to transform again. Ai sighs, “Well… now that’s done. I will continue with what I was saying. I hope by finding what is in your blood I can make the future regimen more efficient as well as hopefully make a suppressant that can tide her over until my research is complete. Thankful some of Danny’s parent’s research is looking very promising for this, though I haven’t looked at it in full detail yet…” Ai pauses

“I also hope to figure why Dani’s is a girl as that shouldn’t have happened in a proper clone… I bet Vlad did something stupid…” the last part was angrily grumbled.

I give Ai a big smile and say, “Ai I know you got this, you’ll figure out the answer eventually. Plus until you finish with the cure Dani is the best hands with Ran, Agasa, you, and I working together as a team.”

Ai gives me a hesitant smile and pulls me into a hug. I know this is important to Ai because this gives her a chance to use her skills to save a life, opposed to making things that take it away. It never was Ai’s fault as she was practically born into the Black Organization and never really had a choice about working for them, but I know APTX weighs heavily on her mind. In the end though… I just know everything is going to turn out fine, the road to get there might be long and treacherous but if we all stand together we’ll make it through.


this snip takes place before Dani, and even before Shinichi/Conan ever meets Danny… Its where the rats in the Dani snip come form though


“Hey Ai, you texted me to came over right?” I heard from right behind me. I whip around clipboard out in front of me smacking the board into something invisible. Why Kudo-kun, Conan-kun, whatever his name is at the moment, insists on sneaking up on me invisible. I have no clue, but I blame the ghost part of him for him enjoyingit. 

As Kudo-san drops his invisibility I see the fact he is in his ‘Conan’ form and I apparently accidentally smacked him in the face with my clipboard giving the fact he was rubbing his face. “… I probably deserved that.” Conan-kun says “but you make it way to easy for me and I can’t exactly surprise Ran. I still don’t know how she always knows where I am”

I scoff at him with, “Maybe your just getting predictable, Conan-kun.” 

Conan rolls his eyes at me with a small grin, and floats closer. Gah! Why does he insist on using his powers all the time. I frustratingly think as Conan asks me, “So did you need me for something?”

“Well yes I do, I’m getting ready to test what happens when I add ectoplasm to my attempted recreation of the poison that did this.” I say while pointing out Conan’s floating and the implied part of his other half that comes with it, “to you, and seems to have either shrunk or de-aged me. I have blindfolds and earmuffs if you don’t want to hear or see what’s going on while the tests are happening but I thought you might want to know the results right when I get them, but you can also head back up to the rest of the house and wait until I call you down if you wish as well.”

The look of thankfulness and curiosity on his face was very apparent. And Conan grabs one of the noise cancelling headphones and iPod set, and grabs one of the blindfolds I have out at the same time and goes sit down in the single chair I have down here in my lab and basically starts setting up to ignore everything for a while.

I take a deep breath steeling myself for next step. I walk towards the 20 cages set up on a table on the far wall each cage having five nearly three year old male rats inside. Not far away from the cages are four vials. Two are containing my recreation of APTX in liquid form. I know better then to try to feed the rats the poison in the form of a pill from my time under the thumbs of THEM. The other two vials have the glowing green, bloodlike, liquidly-goo that makes up Kudo-kun’s ghost shape/form… whatever he wants to call it. 

Beside the vials is a box of medical syringes with removable needles. When I reach the table I place down my clipboard which contains the papers I plan to point both my notes and the experiment results on. I also pull out a non-toxic permanent marker from my lab coat pocket I plan to mark the ears of the rats I give the doses to so there are no repeat doses… I really don’t want to repeat this experiment if I don’t have to.

Half a milliliter of my imperfect recreation of ATPX, and one full milliliter of goo per Rat. Just this, and then I hopefully never have to touch my poison again. My hands are shaking, Kami why is this so hard. I’ve done this before to hundreds no thousands of rats before this while I was prototyping APTX 4869, but that thought of doing this again is making me sick to my stomach now.

Shinichi needs answers, though. I need answers, no, We both need answers on how and why Shinichi became what he is now. Answers that I simply can’t get any other way, there’s only so much I can learn by studying the long term side effects, or his blood, and I don’t even know how to start studying the green goo stuff.

I take another deep breath and after putting on the set of arm length latex gloves. I fall into the old pattern. 

Extract the proper dose, remove needle, tap the side a few times to mix things a bit, grab a rat, check for dots on ears, if dots are found put back in cage and find a new rat, when a dot-less rat is found force fed the prepped dose down the rats throat, mark ears with dots with the marker, return to cage, repeat.

I remember that it always took at least 30 seconds for the poison to start kicking in with the liquid stuff, but because this isn’t the proper version it took more like 38 seconds so by the time the first rat I dosed start to feel the effects I was already on rat number 52. I have to slow down the dosing now to observe the rats.

Watching the rats squirm in pain makes me feel sick to my stomach, as it brings to mind my personal experiences with the poison. The feeling of bones melting and full body painful cramps coupled with a heavy fever. Waking up after passing out briefly to the feeling of vertigo as everything is so much bigger then before.

I shake my head at the memories to dispel them and continue dosing the rest of the rats. Kami almost all the rats have something weird happening to them, from what I can tell if they don’t have what looks like steam raising from them, they instead are slowly being covered in what looks like a glowing white electric net. 

What I can tell from this location only three rats have died so far. Oh the first net has dispelled… Is that a ghost?… Fuck

I hurriedly but carefully finish dosing the last few rats, and start recording what’s going on. Fuck a little over half of the rats seem to have de-aged/shrunk like me, Forty rats have those nets that seem to indicate they’re becoming half ghost, and out of one hundred rats only five died in total… and four of those five seem to have died for reasons other then my poison, given that boils that ooze the same green goo I gave them with the poison cover a majority of their body.

40% chance to became a half ghost, 55% chance to de-age, and most importantly only a 5% chance of death. Kami if They figure what I truly accidentally created they wouldn’t want to kill Shinichi they’ll try to capture him so they can harvest his blood to create super soldiers, and these are rats! The results are highly likely going to be shifted into the Yūrei Hanyou’s favor when dealing with humans! or even just more advanced mammals like dogs and monkeys!

Shaking with fear and worry for my friend I finish collecting the data. Organize it into a somewhat comprehensible manner, and go to tap Conan-kun’s shoulder so I can tell him I’m done.

Conan removes both the blindfold and the headset, that seems to be reciting a Sherlock Holmes audiobook… How did? Nevermind… not important. I all but shove the experiment notes into his hands, still shaking like a leaf from the results.

I watch as Conan reads my notes and I can tell he reached the same conclusion as me, when I see his blood drain from his face leaving him even paler than he usually is as a fucking ghost.

“We can’t let them find out.” we end up reciting to each other at the same time, which brought a smile to both of our faces despite the seriousness of the situation.

“We also should also keep this from Ran and Agasa. Kami knows Ran worries about me enough… and Agasa is not much better.” Conan says

“Maybe the both of them would worry less if you where a little better at not using your powers? hmm, Ever thought of that Mister, I-can’t-go-two-hours-without-using-ghost-powers?” I say while poking his chest. “Didn’t the Shounen Tantei-dan figure you out because you kept accidentally using your powers in the school classroom. It’s an honest miracle that you haven’t used your powers yet when trying to catch KID. You being a Murder Magnet doesn’t help matters either.”

“I’m not a Murder Magnet!” Conan calls out with a honest to Kami pout. “I just run into cases okay, it’s normal it happens to Hattori too.”

“Shinichi, Shinichi, Shinichi normal detectives have to be called into a case, and yes even Hattori get called to cases more often then not, you on the other hand always seem to find yourself in the middle of it every single time. I’ve read the papers, and you’ve been like this since you we’re seven the first time even. It’s a problem. I’ve seen more dead bodies in the last month alone with the Shounen Tantei-dan then the whole time I was under their thumb.” I say with an eye roll.

Conan mumbles something under his breath, and I was about to ask what he said, but he pipes up with, “What do you plan to do with the rats? Now that the experiment is over and done with at least.”

“Well… I plan to keep the shrunken ones at least, I would keep the half-ghost ones as well but I don’t think I will be able to contain them, not without hurting them even more at least.” I say remembering the case were we found out spirit defenses actually work against half-ghosts… Kami his screams! I shudder at the memories. “we both need information about later side effect’s of both of our conditions and the rats would be prefect study material to figure that out now.”

I end my idea with, “I also plan to try to figure out why those four rats with the boils died, because the boils are weird and I don’t like implications of their presence.”

Conan nods, “makes since, thought you might be able to keep the rats around to same general area of you leave food out for them. Now come on and lets get this cleaned up some. oh! I forgot Ran said to ask you to come over the agency later. She wants to make dinner for you and Professor Agasa both today.”

I smile Ran and Shinichi always seem to try to make me feel included in their friendship… its nice. I think as I help clean the lab up.

“Follow me Dear.” Review: I highly reccomend Imekitty as a writer for Danny Phantom fans. This Danny

“Follow me Dear.”

Review: I highly reccomend Imekitty as a writer for Danny Phantom fans.

This Danny Phantom fic., Magnetized, was really immersive and had lots of dark undertones. It depends on the person reading it on how they interpret Maddie’s intriguing perspective on Danny, her son, and as well, Phantom. Personally, it had a dark twist in the end and had a horrific tension throughout the whole write. Imekitty deserves so much more attention for her frequent uploads and hard work (behind the actual posts too), and what she has done, in my opinion, is worth my time sharing. Give her kudos!

What it’s about (Summary): Maddie, a high held scientist, shoots to study the enigma: Phantom. But the problem with that? Phantom is her son, and Danny knows she knows about his secret identity. But, will that change anything…? Maddie’s obsession with him obscures that perverse idea of experimenting on her son. So what does she do? Goes against what she is, a mother, for her obsession.

Warnings: This fic can be disturbing, horrific, angsty, and uncomfortable to some viewers. Discretion is advised.

Magnetized the fic: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12877971/1

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“I love the silent hour of night,

For blissful dreams may then arise,

Revealing to my charmed sight

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“Don’t forget, beautiful sunsets need cloudy skies.” ~ Paulo Coelho.

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AN- It’s been forever since I’ve posted. Broken Drawing Tablet issues…

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