#daredevil x gender neutral reader


Summary: You came to Hells Kitchen to get away from the magic community. You find the perfect man but your past mistakes just won’t let you go. 

Warnings: angst, fluff, magic

Reader:Gender Neutral Wizard Reader

Pairings: Matt Murdock x Wizard Reader

Word Count: 2199

A/n:a little bit of a cross over between Harry Potter universe and Daredevil… I hope you like it… I can do more of these.


You’ve had plenty of awkward moments in life, but none could ever compare to this moment. The tension was thick and neither you nor Matt knew what to say next. You knew this moment was coming but you had hoped it would be different.

When you imagined this moment, you thought about a few different scenarios. One would be where you cook him his favorite meal at home. You’d get him comfortable before dropping the biggest bomb since World War two. That way if he didn’t take things well, you’d at least have a good final memory of him, and it would be in the private settings of your home so if an argument broke out you wouldn’t have an audience.

Another scenario would be taking him out to a private setting to avoid the argument. With so many witnesses around, you knew Matt wouldn’t risk exposing you no matter how angry he is. Then if he didn’t approve you could run away without him being able to stop you.

This situation, however, never crossed your mind. You were so concerned about your own secrets that it never occurred to you that Matt had his own. Tonight, both of your secrets were forced into the light.

The two of you were sitting in the kitchen trying to wrap your mind around what you had just discovered. Honestly, his secret was much easier to swallow than yours but still you had plenty of questions and concerns.

Tonight, had been date night but you both mutually called it off. You both now realized that your excuses were total bullshit. Matt had claimed that Foggy needed him for a case and you had lied about an old friend being in town.

Well, it wasn’t a complete lie. An old friend was in town, but you weren’t exactly friends. Not anymore at least. Not ever if you really think about it. The two of you hung out in school because your families were close, you were in the same house, and it was expected of you to be friends. You haven’t spoken to them since…

When you realized they were in town you knew something bad was going down. You knew they weren’t alone. You had sensed some… magical activity spike recently. When you spotted them in the crowd your heart plummeted. You moved all the way from London, England to Hells Kitchen, New York to avoid these confrontations. You hated that your past seemed to keep following you around.

The first time your past came back was the first time Matt nearly figured out your secret. You had been dating for only about a month when agents from MACUSA began to corner you in the middle of the street.

It was lunch time. You and Matt decided to take lunch together. He could do with getting out of the office for an hour and you could use some fresh air. The two of you were heading back to your work building, arms linked together, and having a pleasantly flirtatious conversation when you began to spot them.

They weren’t very subtle. Of course, the muggles around you didn’t notice them but they were too obvious to you. You didn’t want Matt to get mixed up and knew you needed to get away from him.

“Oh, shit…” You muttered, stopping in the middle of the sidewalk.

“What’s wrong?” Matt asks, pulling his arm from yours as you turn to face him. You rummage through your bag.

“I meant to go back to my flat to get those papers,” You lie out of your ass. Matt raises an eyebrow. “I don’t want to keep you from Foggy. I’ll see you tonight?”

“Sure,” Matt mutter with a strained smile. You felt guilty. You knew he didn’t believe you, but you had to get going. 

“I’ll see you later, love,” You whisper, kissing his cheek before walking back down the way you came.

“Sweetheart?” Matt called. You paused and looked at him with a hum. “Isn’t your apartment that way?” He asks, point down the adjacent street. You look towards it and see that’s where most of the MACUSA agents were.

“I’ll get there eventually, love… Got to pick something up first. Be safe, I’ll see you tonight,” You reply before continuing toward you exit.

Unbeknownst to you, Matt slipped into an alley once you were gone and climbed to the top of the building. He followed you from a distance curious about what you were hiding.

You were trying to lose the MACUSA agents, but they cornered you away from the muggles. They don’t hesitate to surround you.

“Afternoon, fellas” You greeted them.

“We’re going to need your wand,” One of them said, holding out their hand.

“Why?” You ask. “What’s the charge?”

“Relations with a no-maj,” he tells you.

“Relations with a no-maj?” You ask, looking around at all the agents. “Wow, sounds serious,” You deadpan looking back at him. “Why don’t you tell me the truth? I doubt ‘relations with a no-maj’ requires such… force,”

“Wand!” He snaps. You pull it from your pocket but don’t hand it over.

“Tell me the real charge,” You demand, holding the wand tightly. The agents around you begin to get nervous.

“Affiliations with the Dark Lord known as Voldemort,” Another confesses.

“I was acquitted of the charges at the end of the war,” you tell them. “I gave valuable information to convict multiple death eaters. I betrayed Voldemort. You can’t take me in,”

“We need to assess any threats our government may face,”

“And I’m a threat?” You ask.

“You were a high-ranking death eater. You reported directly to Voldemort and carried out many of his orders,”

“He wasn’t exactly a man you could say no to,” You snip. “And that information you have on me? I’m assuming you got from the court reports from my hearing in England. You can’t take me, or you’ll hear from the Ministry. I’ve got some powerful friends in England. Save yourselves the headache,”

“There’s still the problem with the no-maj,” The original man states. “Relationships with no-maj’s are strictly forbidden on this side of the ocean,”

“He’s just a friend,” You lie. “He means nothing,” You lie again. “Witches and wizards have exploited me since I was born. Figured I’d try muggle friendships for a change,” That was a truth.

It took some intense back and forth between the you and them but eventually they left. Matt heard everything. He couldn’t make sense of it. Nothing added up. He tried to research everything that was mentioned but came up with nothing.

He didn’t know how to approach you. He continued on as normal. He found it a little hard to trust you but couldn’t really judge. He was keeping a whole life from you as well. Besides, you were still you. You made him laugh and smile. You were kind and always looked after your friends. You were still you; you just so happened to live a second life. Your relationship was still fairly new. When he felt comfortable cluing you in on his second life then he’d feel just in pestering you about yours.

Life continued on for another couple of months. Everything was going perfectly until this night. The night where Matt was staking out some suspicious activity and you were doing the same exact thing. Only you had more information on what was happening.

Matt had no idea what was happening. He was outmatched in every way. You didn’t know that Daredevil was Matt, but you knew the vigilante. Everyone in Hell’s Kitchen knew him. You knew he’d get killed without a chance to defend himself. You jumped in and fought the other wizards. When MACUSA showed up you knew it was time to dip. You grabbed Daredevil and apparated out of there.

When you appeared just outside of your flat, he hunched over and promptly threw up. You cringed knowing exactly how he was feeling. Only he didn’t get up. He fell back onto the round and then you noticed all his wounds.

“Oh shit,” You whisper, kneeling beside him. “I can help you,” You tell him.

“What… are you?” He wheezes. You hesitate.

“Let me help you first,” You whisper. Now, it’s his turn to hesitate. Ultimately, he nods. He trusts you. He knew you had a second life, tonight confirmed it. You were still you and he trusts you; you proved that tonight when you risked everything to protect him. You risked your life against the opponents and your freedom with MACUSA. “You’re not going to like this,” You mutter, grabbing his arm. It takes him a second to realize what you’re about to do.


You apparate into your flat.

You quickly grab a trash bin for him to throw up in. You pat his back sympathetically. 

“I couldn’t risk people seeing me take you up here and we didn’t have a second to lose. MACUSA will be scouring the streets for stragglers. It wouldn’t be safe for us to be seen,” You whisper, helping up up from the floor. He groans and tries to aid you. You manage to get him to the kitchen table.

“What are you?” He asks again. Your eyes flicker to his masked face. His voice is familiar, and it only takes you a second to realize who it is. Your heart jumps but you don’t comment on it. You don’t want to bring it to attention right now.

All you need to do is heal him, wipe his memory and move on. Then you can figure out why the fuck your blind boyfriend is running around as Daredevil.

“Don’t worry about what I am,” You mutter, keeping your voice steady. “You won’t remember tonight once I’ve healed you anyways,” His head tilts.

“What do you mean?” He asks.

“It’s a lot to explain to someone who won’t remember,” you tell him. “It doesn’t matter. Let me patch you up and I’ll send you on your way,”

“How am I supposed to trust you if you won’t tell me what’s going on?”

“That’s your problem, not mine,” you say, working on undoing his vest. “The more you know the more danger you’ll be in,”

“I like to know what I’m up against,” he says before groaning when you become a little rougher with him. You whisper an apology and force yourself to slow down.

“With any luck you’ll never have to deal with what happened tonight again,” You reassure him. “MACUSA would have either arrested or scared everyone off. They’d be stupid to return here,”

“What’s MACUSA?” He asks. You keep quiet. “If I’m going to forget then there’s no harm in telling me, right?” You ignore him. “I’m not going to stop asking,”

“You will if you know what’s good for you,” You snip. He huffs a laugh. You stare at him before relenting. “Magical Congress of the United States of America,” You inform him. “There, now you know what MACUSA means, can I heal your wound before you bleed out all over the bloody floor?” You ask.

“Telling me what it means doesn’t tell me what it is,” Matt grunts.

“Again, that’s your problem, not mine,” You comment assessing the damage. “Now keep still,” You mutter waving your wand around his chest while muttering incantations. Matt tenses not knowing what to expect. Slowly, the pain eases and the wounds close.

The air around the two of you seemed to buzz. There was a warmth to it. He realizes he’s felt this before. He never understood it but now he knows that this is your magic. You’ve used this around him and he never knew.

When it was done you sat back in your chair. The two of you were silent as the tension began to build. Sitting in front of you is your blind vigilante boyfriend. He didn’t know you knew it was him. You did know that he knew who you were. Your secret is out.

You knew you were obligated to wipe his memory, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it. You haven’t come across someone like Matt before. Someone who cared about you for you. Someone who didn’t want to use you. Someone who couldn’t care less about your blood status. 

You didn’t want to wipe his memory. Now that he knew there was a weight off your shoulders. Now you didn’t have to hide. Now you could show your world to him. You wanted to share you world with him but feared it would just be too much.

Only one way to find out.

Leaning forward, you reached for his helmet. His hands quickly wrap around your wrists. He has a gentle but firm grip. You shush him softly.

“It’s alright,” You mutter. “Trust me,” Matt slowly lets your hands go. You smile and gently take his helmet off. “Looks like we both have secrets,” You whisper.

“You’re a wizard,” He mutters.

“And you’re the Daredevil,” You respond. Your hands lightly caress his cheeks. “Mind filling me in on how a blind man can do what you do?”

“As long as I’m not the only one opening up,” Matt bargains.

