#dark pit burned both me and pit


Here’s the first concept sketch I made for another Kid Icarus AU :)

Idea: After the events of KIU, Pit starts to make some changes to his schedule and picks up a hobby, as per Dark Pit’s suggestion. He becomes an inventor/craftsman with the help of Dyntos and makes himself and Pittoo a pair of functional wing enhancers made with pegasus feathers. The devices allow them both to fly on their own. Here Pit is watching Pittoo take off with his set of wing enhancers for the first time ^^

This AU is called Surface Pressure and Pegasus Feathers! (also the name of a fanfic I’m working on for it :)

The first part of the title is because it’s fun to imagine the song “Surface Pressure” from Encanto as Pit venting to Dark Pit lol. I scripted an animatic, but decided showing how the lyrics relate though a fanfic would allow me to show this concept sooner lol)

More fun ideas in the fanfic:

-Pit and Dark Pit get pegasus friends and name them ^^

-The bois learn how to read & write

-Dark Pit is determined for Pit to find his own way to deal with his issues (and is also really good at persuasion)

-The fic is essentially about what it takes for Pit to fully learn “philautia” (regard for one’s own happiness/self-love.) He has a lot of agape (Selfless/unconditional love), but it needs to be balanced :)


Pit’s concept sketches & notes (the back of the wing enhancers:

Link to the first chapter if you want a sneak peak while I figure out how the HECK to use AO3 lol:

Meme moment in the fic:
