#dark ransom x reader


Meet Your Match

Pairing: Dark!Serial!Killer!Ransom Drysdale x F!Reader,

Word Count: 2618

Summary: Despite being a captive, you enjoyed pushing Ransom’s button. It was only a matter of time before he pushed back.

Warning: explicit sex, noncon, kidnapping, blackmail, snappy reader, choking, rough sex, degradation, spanking, pain, biting, dirty talk, pet names, cumplay, implied murder, dark fic, 18+, serial killers, teasing, flirting, trapped in house, angry Ransom, fighting, a struggle

A/N: This is Ransom’s introduction into the Serial Killer world. Him and Kitten’s story doesn’t start out as rough as some of our other leading ladies but it doesn’t mean it’s a sweet story. You can find the other stories in these versehere. Beta’d by the ever supporting and lovely @sparkledfirecrackerker . Thank you love ❤️ All mistakes are still my own.

if you’re a minor, please DNI!

Please do not repost, publish or translate my work. Reblogs and comments are appreciated! Thank you for reading :)

Dividers by the lovely @firefly-graphics

Ransom stood outside the gates shutting behind him, breathing the fresh air. It had been a long 3 months inside that prison and he was glad to be out. His jaw clenching as he chewed on the fact that Andy Barber had sent him here. The self-righteous asshole had had it out for him since he had met Ransom’s big brother Steve. Calling Ransom pompous and entitled. 

It was surprising to find out how far Andy was willing to go when Ransom was charged with the disappearance of one of his exes. Ironically it was one of the only exes that Ransom hadn’t killed. Yet somehow he got convicted. 

He never thought he’d miss the sounds of the birds chirping but he took a moment to revel in the sound, taking deep breaths. 

“Looking good, brother.”

Ransom looked up to see Steve push off his Jeep and walked toward him. The two men embraced in a tight hug. “I wouldn’t say good, but relieved is more like it.”

“I bet. Don’t worry man, we got you a nice surprise to get you through this tough time.” The smirk on Steve’s face made Ransom cock an eyebrow, leaning around him to look into the car. “She’s at the house, tied up nicely to a chair. Bucky even put a bow on her.”

Ransom let out a bark of a laugh, slapping Steve’s back. 

“Thank you, brother. Freedom’s never felt sweeter.”

Ransom was an asshole but you couldn’t deny he knew how to appease a woman. It irritated you to know that you were at the mercy of this prick. You should have known that job was too good and extremely sketchy. 

Yet you called the number and met up with Bucky. Everything was going fine and you could hack exactly what he wanted. For the money he offered, you choose to not ask too many questions. But everything went wrong as you rounded the corner from the cafe. When a thick arm wrapped around your throat and you blacked out.

They had given you to Ransom as a gift and still expected you to work for them. They had underestimated your stubbornness. It wasn’t the smartest thing for you to do, but it was your only leverage. Apparently, even their resident tech genius couldn’t do what you could.

Ransom had tried threatening you, but that only ended in an argument that you won. You didn’t understand how he was supposed to be scary. 

That didn’t mean he couldn’t snap, you knew all about his female track record. And you weren’t looking to end up like them.

It was like a game. The back and forth between you two. Ransom seemed to enjoy your sass and your bite. Egging you on and watching you lash out all so he could grab you by your throat and slam you against the wall, fingering you until you were putty.

It frustrated you to be belittled to nothing more than a plaything for this entitled prick. You had the ability to bring down whole governments and hack the world’s riches but instead, you were cleaning up the digital messes of serial killers who couldn’t do it themselves. Fucking men.

You weren’t completely at a disadvantage though. Ransom was fascinated by you. From the way you moved to the way you talked. When you weren’t fighting, you noticed the way he watched your lips. You’re sure that he had more weaknesses and once you had them on lock, you’d gain the upper hand. Play him the way he played you.

The strange part was he hadn’t fucked you yet. With everything you’d heard about Ransom Drysdale, the infamous lady killer, that was the first thing you’d expected of him. For him to pin you down and rut in you like a feral animal. Yet all he’d done was threaten and finger you. It made you antsy, made you want to push his buttons. Maybe the big bad wolf was no more than a puppy. 

You sat behind your laptop at the counter, watching Ransom pace the living room. He was on the phone, his body tense as he walked. His tone was hushed and you knew you should be focusing on the task at hand but you were curious as to why he looked so pissed.

Quietly shutting your laptop, you slid off your stool. The immaculately designed kitchen was a chef’s dream. Too bad you only cooked a few things; you were the furthest thing from a housewife. But you couldn’t deny that you enjoyed the luxury. Sure you were gifted to Ransom like a dowry to the highest bidder, but you were smart enough to make the best of it. In fact, you felt like you deserved more and you’d get it…eventually. If only Ransom wasn’t such a prick in the process.

Pouring a glass of lemonade that you had made late last night. You headed to the living room, on your way to offer it to Ransom. He had been so excited when he saw you cooking one day, stating that he was so glad to have one that cooked. That maybe he’d be like Andy and get his perfect housewife. Until he realized you only cooked things you liked and took no requests.

What else were you to do when all the doors and windows were fingerprint locked and you couldn’t leave. Whatever software he used was so rudimentary, basic even, that hacking wasn’t an option as it was completely solid

You plopped down on the couch, holding out the glass for Ransom when he passed by it. As you expected, he snatched it, without so much as a thank you.

“Steve, come on!” Ransom said, “I just want to talk to him.”

There was a pause as he listened to the response.

“Motherfucker tried to send me to prison and you’re defending him?“

He leaned over the back of the couch above your head. You peeked up at him, from the magazine you were fake reading. The frustration was imminent on his face and you found yourself hating it. Only you were allowed to make him mad.

Wait what? No. Nope. You didn’t care. Fuck him. You returned your gaze to the article on the best fall colors for your sign.

“Ask who? Kitten? Oh, she’s not gonna help me,” he huffed, his hand trailing down your collarbone, fingers tracing back and forth, making you shiver, “I’m not fucking soft, Steve! I’m just taking my time breaking this one in.”

You barked out a laugh. Ransom’s hand was quick to cover your mouth, muffling you. But the floodgates opened and you couldn’t stop the giggles, your whole body shaking with them. He shifted so his bicep wrapped around your throat. This morphed your giggle into a moan. Both of you froze not expecting this reaction. You tried to hide the fact that you squeezed your thighs together by keeping the magazine on your lap. Ransom let out a shaky breath but kept his hold steady.

“Fine. Think about it and get back to me. Like I said, Steve, I only want to talk to him.” Ransom responded in a clipped tone. He then hung up and tossed the phone down next to you. His arm squeezed you a bit and you barely bit back a moan. “You like that, Kitten? I knew you had claws but this - this is an even more fun discovery.”

“Screw you, Drysdale,” you said through gritted teeth. The upper hand was supposed to be yours not his. Ransom chuckled, leaning in close.

“Maybe it’s time I do. Bet those claws will feel real good on my skin,“ the last word coming out in a growl. You grabbed onto his forearm, digging your nails into the thick muscled before pushing it off you and getting up. Ransom fell forward, barely steadying himself on the

cushions. He glared at you and you returned his intensity.

"In your dreams. Now excuse me I have to get back to work. Bucky sent over a list of names for me to make disappear,” you said, “'Cause I have nothing better to do with my abilities.“ That you kept under your breath, not wanting Ransom to tell his brother. Fear wasn’t a factor but you didn’t need a lecture.

It was only a week later when Ransom really blew his lid. You were sitting at the island again, wearing leggings and a thin white tank top. Not thinking that Ransom would be home till much later after the rush he left in this morning, you had decided not to wear a bra. The front door opened and shut with a loud slam, jolting you from your focus. It felt smarter to stay put, so you trusted your gut and continued your work.

Ransom looked disheveled when he walked in. His hair rumpled from all the times he seemed to have run his hand through it. Somehow his hole-ridden sweater looked even more worn than usual. Above all else, it was the expression on his face that actually sent a chill up your spine.

His eyes were vacant and cold. His mouth carved into a snarl. His sharp jaw tensed. You felt like if you stayed still, he might not see you. The hope was dead wrong when his eyes immediately zeroed in on you. He narrowed his eyes, charging your way.

"I’ve had enough,” he snarled, “here you are looking like that. Taunting me.”

You made an effort to scramble off the stool before he came close enough. Unfortunately, you had been caught up in how good he looked. Mad that your brain disconnected from your body. That momentary flatter made you easy prey. Ransom caught you by the throat, lifting you up and onto the island. The strength fueled by his anger knocked the breath out of you. And made your pussy clench.

“Ransom, the fuck are you doing?“ You spat, clawing at his hand. Next was going to be his face if he didn’t wise up. Well, at least your bravery was still intact. 

“Whatever I fucking please, darling. You walk around here, dangling these gorgeous tits in front of me,” he grabbed your left breast, roughly kneading, “and expect me not to snap. Well, news flash, Kitten, you’re mine and it’s time I claimed it.”

It was terrible that he was right, technically you were his. With no say on your part. He could ruin you and send you to prison or worse kill you. The sheer force of his power was no match to yours. Didn’t stop you from trying to get out of it. You bucked up, trying to break his hold. Squirming like your life depended on it. Ransom’s hand tightened and he wrangled your hands above your head. Your legs were a different story and you kicked at him constantly.

"Let me go! Fucking prick, I’m not yours!”

Ransom got right in your face, baring his teeth, "Shut up! I’m tired of your sass and I’m taking what’s rightfully mine.”

“Fuck you, Ransom.“ You managed to finally land a hard kick, reveling in his grunt of pain.

“You know what, fine.” Ransom released your throat and tore your tank top down the middle in a swift motion. Gathering the scraps, he shoved them into your mouth before you began to protest. He seemed almost entranced for a moment by your chest, palming each one with a level of delicacy. Ignoring your muffled, angry sounds, he took his time running a thumb over your pert nipples.

With an almost pained look, Ransom grabbed your waist and flipped you over. He placed a palm on your back. This pinned you down fully, your legs dangling. Your kicks were less efficient when he pressed his hips to your ass, his erection digging into the soft flesh. You let out an enraged cry, slapping your hands against the wooden counter.

His hand slid up to the back of your neck while he continued to rut against your ass. It felt good and you wanted more but this wasn’t how you wanted it. Seemed like you’d gotten too comfortable with a tame Ransom and forgot he could truly be.

“You’re a damn tease, Kitten,“ Ransom growled. And you’re a fucking monster, you thought. His hand left your neck and you felt him grab the fabric over your ass, yanking it hard. Cold air hit your skin as he tore the leggings wide enough.

You tried to squirm away, only to have him slam his hand down on your back. Air whooshed out of you and you let out a pained cry through the shirt in your mouth. He didn’t care, his focus was on one thing. You heard him working his buckle open before his hard length slapped against your ass.

Ransom didn’t say another word after that, only hooking a finger beneath your panties and moving them aside. You squeezed your eyes shut, bracing yourself, but nothing could have prepared you for the pain and wide burning stretch of his cock. Ransom’s hips snapped forward, bottoming out in one swift motion, leaving you breathless. The fact that you were already wet was the only thing that helped ease the pain. Not giving you time to adjust, he pulled out and harshly slammed back in.

Your muffled cries mixed with his grunts, echoing through the kitchen. Ransom’s pace was harsh and insistent. Borderline brutal. He kept both of his hands on your upper back, not allowing you to move or even breathe properly.

Blacks spots danced in your vision but nothing you did helped. No matter how hard you hit the table, he ignored you. Pummeling into you faster and faster. The counter began to hurt your hips, digging into them. You could feel him pulsing inside you, but couldn’t focus on how you felt, the need to breathe was too important.

Ransom let out a choked groan and you felt him pull out before you felt his hot spend patterning your lower back. He released his hold on your back and you pushed up and reached to remove the shirt from your mouth. You hungrily gasped for air, laying still until you heard him leave the room. You began to slide off the counter when he spoke and you froze again.

“Get cleaned up and order us some dinner. I want the remainder of the evening to be pleasant,” Ransorn ordered, "And Kitten, don’t test me.” He walked out and you sighed in relief, feeling safer now that you were alone.

Getting off the counter, you got a menu from the drawer and gathered your things before you headed quickly to your room. With the door shut securely behind you, the tears began to fall. Your hand wiped at them angrily. You were frustrated and hurt. Like hell, you were going to make him pay for this. More angry tears fell and you quickly ordered the food before heading to the bathroom. 

Double checking that the door was locked tightly behind you, you filled the tub and sank in. Wrapping your arms around yourself, your walls came down and you began to sob, letting the fear and anger wash over you. The pieces would have to be put back up before you left this room but until then you were left to lick your wounds.









