#dark shadows


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When I tell you I had a spit take the first time I saw this…

doraemonmon: Barnabus Collins - Dark Shadows


Barnabus Collins - Dark Shadows

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i so desperately want to write them as a sitcom


i’m falling back in love with them ❤️


An honest mistake really…

Original audio


I love the little opening monolog in dark shadows. What’s the weather report today Vicky? It’s a calm sunny day yet a terrible storm is gathering over Collinsport you say!?


Not how I would reconstruct the old Barnabas storyline. Just some notes on how I might frame the backstory if I had control over a remake.

Barnabas asks, “Are there any shipyards in the area?” Roger tells him, “There’s one, but I don’t think they’ve built many ships of late”. Barnabas remarks, “Maybe I could change that”. Roger says, “If that’s your line”. Barnabas replies, “Yes, as it was with the original Barnabas Collins”. 214

Jeremiah Collins owned some vineyards in Spain, near Malaga". Roger replies, “Yes. In fact they stayed in the family long after Jeremiah’s death. I think the family didn’t finally sell them until a little after World War II”. 214

Anchor House - Blood and Fire.

Collins House


1728/01/25 Anchor House, CP Joshua Collins Born

1734/06/20 Westchester Co., NY Naomi Collins born

1740/03/01 Anchor House, CP Anabella Collins Dies

1750/12/24 Anchor House, CP Jeremiah Collins Born, Patience Collins dies.

1753/02 Anchor House, CP Marriage of Joshua and Naomi. At the wedding, Benjamin Collins of the New York Collins branch meets Rose McGruder and begins courting her.

1755/01 McGruder House, CP Benjamin Collins marries Rose McGruder.

1756 Anchor House, CP Caleb Collins dies

1757/08 McGruder House, CP Augustine Collins is born to Benjamin Collins and Rose McGruder

1760/09/11 Collins House, CP Barnabas Collins born

1757/02/02 Collins House, CP Abigail Collins II born

1766/03/13 Collins House, CP Sarah Collins born

1767/02/02 Collins House, CP The Old House is finally finished in its entirety

1767/08/01 Anchor House, Jeremiah is sent off to Harvard for a “gentleman’s education”.

1767/10/26 Winter Harbor, ME Laura Murdoch Stockbridge regenerates

1768/08 Cambridge, MA Jeremiah begins his second year at Harvard

1769/08 Cambridge, MA Jeremiah begins his third year at Harvard

1770/08 Cambridge, MA Jeremiah begins his fourth year at Harvard

1771/07/03 Cambridge, MA Jeremiah graduates Harvard. Commencement at Harvard from 1736 to 1801 took place on the first Wednesday of July.

1771/08/08 Collinsport, CP Laura Murdoch marries Jeremiah Collins. Barnabas is enamored with Laura Collins. Barnabas Collins begins designing the Grandfather Clock

1771/08/09 Collinsport, CP Laura Murdoch Collins(?) was wearing a bright orange riding habit the day she came to Collinwood. No one else could wear it, but on her, it was magnificent. She was like a flame coming toward the house that day in her bright orange riding habit. (739) Barnabas Collins(10) was a child of 10 the first time he saw her. He thought there could never be no more beautiful woman as long as he lived. (739) When Jeremiah Collins(23) brought Laura Murdoch Collins to the Old House, Barnabas Collins(10) was there watching her, following her around, in love with her as only a little boy can be. (759) Laura Murdoch Collins considered Barnabas Collins(10) “such a strange, dreamy boy, with sad eyes”—she was fond of him. (757)

1771-10-10 Collinsport, CP Laura Murdoch Collins was one of the legendary beauties of the Collins family. (755)

1771-11-09 Collinsport, CP Barnabas Collins(11) watched Laura Murdoch Collins pose for her portrait. (740) She wore her riding habit for it; the end result was that she looked rather elegant and woodsy. (757)

1771-12-12 Collins House, CP Laura Murdoch Collins’ portrait was finished and hung in Jeremiah’s(24) room. (757)

1772-7-13 Paris, FR Josette DuPres born. MUST BE before 1780.

1772-10-10 Collins House, CP Barnabas teaches Sarah Collins how to write, and about Good and Evil

1772-10-03 Collins House, CP Barnabas had a toy soldier

1773-12-12 Collins House, CP Sarah Collins learns about the Secret Passage in the cellar

1775-06-6 Collins House, CP Sarah Collins cries as her pet dog is put down

1775-10-10 Collins House, CP Sarah Collins poses for portrait

1775-12-25 Collins House, CP Sarah Collins receives a blue dress for Christmas

1776-10-01 Barnabas is sent away to Harvard. He’s a bit young, at 15, but he turns 16 later that month and meets the admissions requirements.

1776-12 Sarah died when she was very young, and very innocent. She died with her newly-repaired doll in her arms. (276)

1777-10 Barnabas begins second year

1778-08 1778 to May 1779 3rd year

1779-05-30 Halifax, NS McLean’s expedition set sail from Halifax on May 30, 1779 to take Penobscot Bay for the British.

1779-06-01 The next day, McLean and Captain Andrew Barkley, the commander of the naval convoy, identified a suitable site at which they could establish a post.

1779-06-12 McLean’s forces (British Navy) arrive at Penobscot Bay.

1779-06-16 Castine, ME McLean’s forces began landing on a peninsula that was called Majabigwaduce (Castine, Maine) between the mouth of the Bagaduce River and a finger of the bay leading to the Penobscot River. The troops numbered approximately 700, consisting of 50 men of the Royal Artillery and Engineers, 450 of the 74th Regiment of (Highland) Foot, and 200 of the 82nd (Duke of Hamilton’s) Regiment. They began to build a fortification on the peninsula which jutted into the bay and commanded the principal passage into the inner harbor.

1779-06-16 Collinsport, CP Collinsport uses its position at the end of the Schoodic Peninsula to skirt the blockade. The locals fear Indian raids and eviction, and so provide the fort with a percentage of their catches.

1779-06-20 Boston, MA When news of McLean’s arrival reached the American authorities at Boston, they hurriedly made plans to drive the British from the area. The Penobscot River was the gateway to lands controlled by the Penobscot Indians who generally favored the British, and Congress feared that they would lose any chance of enlisting the Penobscots as allies if a fort were successfully constructed at the mouth of the river. Massachusetts was also motivated by the fear of losing their claim over the territory in any post-war settlement.

1779-07-07 Boston, Massachusetts Harvard Commencement.

1779-08 New York, NY Trade between colonies was overtaken by Theodore_II and directed from New York under the British flag to pass blockades until the French arrived.

1779-08 Collinsport, CP Smuggling via smugglers cove becomes lifeline over war. The town Collinses are firmly for the revolution since the molasses and stamp and sugar acts were cutting into the bottom line, but since they are effectively besieged from above and below and have little ammo they are forced to make nice with the occupiers. Despite this, they prepare the fortifications on Eagle Hill and the Island, for potential raids. Native son’s abroad have other options though and use them. Many join the Continentals, including the three Collins men currently off at school.

1779-07-25 Boston, MA Barnabas arrives to join the Penobscot Expedition

1779-07-28, Castine, ME On July 28, under heavy covering fire from the Tyrannicide, Hunter, and Sky Rocket, Brigadier General Peleg Wadsworth led an assault force of 400 (200 marines and 200 militia) ashore before dawn at Dyce’s Head on the western tip of the peninsula with orders to capture Fort George.

1779-08-04, Maine Over the next two days, the American fleet fled upstream on the Penobscot River pursued by Collier, abandoning Collinsport to the British.

1779-08-12 Boston, MA Barnabas joins the relief forces for the Penobscot Expedition

1779-08-19 Star Island The Relief Forces receive word by small craft that Maine has fallen.

1779-08-21 Kittery The 16th Continental disembark at Kittery. Barnabas enlists.

1780-07-06 Cambridge, MA Barnabas finishes education at college. (4 year minimum for bachelor’s interrupted)

1780-06-07 Barnabas’s first kill, in the preliminary skirmishes of the Battle of Springfield.

1780-06-23 Battle of Springfield

1780-8-12 Paris, FR DuPres family leaves Paris.


Josette’s mother dies in the Great Hurricane of 1780.


Abigail Collins II married off.



to Europe may-june

To Java June-Nov

To the Philippines Nov-Dec

Across the pacific Dec-March

To Cape Horn March-May

Cape Horn to Europe May-July

Europe to America July-Aug

1784-01-25. 00:00. Barbados.

Barnabas Collins in Barbados. Barnabas Collins (23) knew an Indian in Barbados long ago. Barnabas considered him a brilliant man. The Indian taught Barnabas the secrets that he used when he needed enormous power, the secrets of enormous power. The Indian said his tongue spoke into the ears of the gods, that he spoke to the gods. It was true, but society seldom is kind to one as privileged as he. He was jailed and tried as a warlock, and, of course, was sentenced. However, when the soldiers came to hang him, the cell was empty. He had escaped! Before he had disappeared, though, the Indian whispered along at least one of his secrets to Barnabas. According to the Indian the gods had told him the secret magic number of the universe—the number that unlocks all the rules that bind mortals to their daily dull lives. The number is whispered so deeply into the soul that no one can remember it, without using the magic. The power that the Indian gave to Barnabas is the ability to plant a germ in someone else’s mind, and then of course watch the disease spread(—to instill madness when he wants it, how he wants it, unto whomever he wants it?) (358)

1785-1-25. 00:00. Barbados.

Barnabas Collins in Barbados.


Laura Murdoch Collins dies a sudden death under purportedly “supernatural” circumstances not recorded in the family annals. Barnabas Collins not present, receives word via letter from father. (Laura regenerates.


Jeremiah Collins falls into depression, alcoholism.


Josette DuPres meets Jeremiah Collins.

Barnabas has a “thing” with Angelique. (HC: Barn helps Angie get position with Natalie DuPres, assumes it is in recompense for “favor”. That makes Barn uncomfortable. Barn gets cold feet, backs out, and basically endeavors to have no contact with anyone from Martinique again. Entirely misses interactions between Josette and Jeremiah.)


Josette DuPres meets with Jeremiah Collins.


Jeremiah leaves Martinique with a tentative acceptance for his proposal from Andre.


Jeremiah returns to Collinsport.


Jeremiah selected the site for Collinwood on the highest hill in Collinsport. That hill was Widow’s Hill. He was building the house as a gift to his wife. The Widows were no longer permitted on the hill that bore their name, and were driven from their traditional haunting grounds almost 150 years before 1966—around the year, if a little later than, 1816. Jeremiah drove them away when he commandeered the hill to be the site for his house. All the wives and sweethearts of the sailors on Jeremiah’s ships were turned away, sent back to their homes, told to keep their grief to themselves. This did nothing to endear Josette, who really had no say in this matter and was not all that pleased with her husband’s treatment of the women, to the locals, who already disliked her for her foreign ways.


Josette was brought from France (French Martinique) to marry Jeremiah. (Minimum 22 days transport) (HC: Josette probably comes with escort Aunt Natalie for duration of engagement. Her father comes with. Her father wants her out of Martinique and away from the plagues; he is willing to gamble that of the available Collins bachelors, she might settle on one–especially since she already seemed taken with Jeremiah. He loves his daughter, though, so he wants her to be sure.)


Natalie arrives in Collinsport with Angelique.


Josette and Andre DuPres arrive in Collinsport. (HC: Josette’s own maid died of “fever” aboard ship

(Edit: soon after coming ashore), so she [has been](needs to be) sharing

Natalie’s. Who is, you know, ANGELIQUE. Leads to an important conversation that basically goes,

Jeremiah: We can provide Josette a maid.

Natalie: Josette doesn’t speak a word of English. Do you have someone who can speak French?

Naomi: *Trying to fix Jeremiah’s mess* No, I do not think we have anyone here who can speak French. *Rallies* However, we could send for someone in New York.

Natalie: That will not be necessary. We can share, and in the meantime I will send for another.

Joshua: We do not need a maid who cannot speak English on staff, either. You are staying until the wedding, correct? Natalie: Correct.

Joshua: Then, perhaps Josette should share your maid while learning English. We shall assign her a tutor, and when she is ready bring in a local girl. Would that suit? Natalie: I suppose.

Joshua: Good, then. The matter is settled.)

Josette and Jeremiah lived at the Old House for a time. (HC: Collinwood is not yet habitable.)

Barnabas has little interest in Josette at first, but is still assigned to teach her English. Upon meeting her, he is struck by her beauty, but it is through his assignment that he grows fond of her.

HC: Barn was trying to avoid the Martinique retinue as long as possible, and so was holed up in one of the workshops on the build site in his spare hours, usually working on The Clock or reading. Some of the stewards (BEN), who heard from Jeremiah that Barn had had “some kind of trouble,

maybe with a girl?” on Martinique, made the connection that he was trying to hide from someone in the retinue, were sufficiently amused to continue the antics and were now slipping meals to him. Joshua, on the other hand, is most certainly NOT AMUSED and says “Barnabas, you wanted to teach Sarah. Now you get to teach Jeremiah’s little bride English.” He goes in and is like “Oh shit.”


Barnabas is envious of Jeremiah. (He hopes the match will fall apart.) (HC: He tries to send a message to her. Angelique intervenes.)


Josette(18) and Jeremiah(51) were arranged to be married. Barnabas was heartbroken when it was finalized that Josette was to marry Jeremiah. He blames Jeremiah for her refusal, even though he never asked.


Barnabas finishes Clock


Josette(18) and Jeremiah(51) were arranged to be married, and they seemed to be very much in love. Josette Collins wore The Locket; she was the first Collins woman to own it. It was given to her on her wedding day–it was her “Something New”. A beautiful diamond necklace, which was given by a Collins ancestor to his bride in celebration of their marriage, was given to Josette at the wedding. A grandfather clock was made by Barnabas Collins as a wedding present to Josette Collins.


Collinwood is “completed”. {All that ill-will from Jeremiah kicking the village widows off their mourning perch gets piled onto Josette with the new reminder.}


Portrait of Barnabas Collins done. Barnabas was a “young man” when his portrait was done. The man (Barnabas) in the portrait seemed perpetually angry at someone when the portrait was done.


First child of Josette DuPres born


Josette shows signs of depression. The townspeople hated Josette because she was a stranger; her husband’s family hated her because she was different; even the house hated her. Jeremiah couldn’t give her peace. Josette cried herself to sleep night after night. Jeremiah couldn’t give her peace. Barnabas takes it on himself to fix the problem?


Barnabas keeps waiting. (He probably went off on the trip to the orient around this time.) Sarah refuses to come, and will not explain why.


to Europe may-june

To Java June-Nov

To the Philippines Nov-Dec

Across the pacific Dec-March

To Cape Horn March-May

Cape Horn to Europe May-July

Europe to America July-Aug


Josette has a daughter.


Barnabas Collins returns from Orient.


Josette was a good wife who loved her husband, but as the years passed, she realized she was married to an old man. Josette feared time–and Barnabas knew he could defeat that for her.

Barnabas begins to revisit his notes, and Angelique sees an opportunity.


Naomi Collins dies.


At some point: Josette and Jeremiah’s son is stricken with a poison-curse that brings him close to death. Sarah witnesses it, but unable to contact her own kin she can only interfere through one of the servants, Loomis.

The daughter is then stricken by fever. Again, Sarah interferes. She is warded off but the distraction breaks the ritual. Relieved of the magical pressure, Barnabas, the younger Thornton, and Natalie manage to keep her alive.

Lastly, Josette goes into labor for her third child. The birth goes wrong, and all fear for the mother and child. With Natalie and the midwife occupied and he unable to help, Barnabas seeks out Angelique for help. She makes an offer, he accepts the price, she does something ritual-like, Josette rallies and her baby is born alive and healthy.


Barnabas Collins brought The Music Box back with him from the Orient. (396 days) “This has crossed the seas as I have crossed the centuries, all for your sake.” The Music Box was given to Josette on her birthday. The music box was the only present Josette ever accepted from Barnabas. She had to keep it hidden because there were those who were against their love.(282, 239)

Jeremiah goes on business to Spain right after the Christening, which was the day before her birthday, leaving Josette feeling abandoned and despairing of ever gaining the esteem he still held for his first wife.

Barnabas, in an attempt to cheer her up, gives her the music box, then has to explain why he had bought it for her.

Because I couldn’t forget you. Because I loved you from the moment I met you, because I so dearly wanted to make you happy, even though it was impossible. I brought it back for you as a gift, a dream.

Why tell me this?

You asked why I had it for you. And… I know this is wrong of me, but I still love you.

Then she asks the armor piercing question of do you really love her? Why did you marry her? And he tries to explain. But then Josette spies Angelique approaching and hides the music box, saying that she will treasure his uncle’s gift.


Jeremiah seems to have disappeared for a time; during this time he was presumed dead. Barnabas struck while the iron was hot, while a heartbroken Josette was vulnerable. Josette turned to him. (346)

After Jeremiah is declared missing he and Josette take to spending time together, allegedly as a widow and her daughter’s favorite surrogate uncle. Angelique gets suspicious and goes after Barn. They quarrel. Angelique storms out of the house after an argument.

Barnabas finds evidence that Angelique had poisoned the girls and possibly cursed Josette.

1795-10-28 Collins House, CP Barnabas and Joshua have a massive argument at the Old House. The argument drives Barnabas to do something that results in him becoming a vampire.

Barn tried to give Joshua evidence and he ignores it. He accuses Barn of trying to end his lawful marriage, of adultery, of regretting marrying Angie. He says you will receive no help from my quarter. Barn despair of options or help.



Barnabas confronts Angelique. Angelique admits to attempting to kill Josettes and her children. She threatens to kill them if he talks. Barn shoots her in the head. She has a dead man’s switch. Barnabas is infected with the Vampire curse.

Ben finds Barn and ministers him.


Barnabas’ turning is almost complete.

Barnabas “dies” of infection (Undergoes first death-state) at the break of dawn. He is identified as dead and buried in mausoleum with minimal ceremonies. Evidence of death is concealed by family, who fear that this might spread panic of plague.


Barnabas’ second death state occurs at dawn. Wakes at sunset to an open casket and Angelique, possessing her body, trying to stake him. Ben, thinking her a stranger who is desecrating the grave, interferes and drives her off with a torch?

Confrontation 2.0. Discovers the rudiments of vampiric life.


Night 2-5. Barn concludes that his marriage to Angelique has ended, and that this form of “living” might just be manageable.


Night 5. Barn discovers the loneliness.


Josette discovers that Barn has “returned” and confronts him about telling her. He dreads the prospect and stalls for time. Barn thinks (wrongly) that there might be an opportunity for her to join him in this different form of living. Barnabas wanted to give her life, not death, and that they had a chance together. (236)


Josette shows up, and he begs her to let him make her what he has already become. She is horrified, and refuses. (“became foolishly frightened and apparently ruined his plans for her” (345).

He tries to convince her, and they quarrel (233).

Barnabas thinks Josette never understood him, or the extent of his love(286). (I married her to save you. I chose to become this rather than be apart from you?)

Josette is savvy enough to notice obsession when she sees it, realizes he won’t give up so long as she lives, and runs before the supernatural creature who was once someone she once cared for and humored could turn her into something she would refuse to be. (233)

Barn chases after (233), catches her, attempts to turn her (233), but Josette breaks free and jumps (233). Barn finds her body on the rocks (233), but has no way to return the body without revealing himself, so waits until dawn, in shock.

Ben finds him, and brings him back to the Mausoleum.


Jeremiah, unaware of the circumstances of Josette’s death, assumes suicide and refuses to let her be buried with the family. [Feeling that she deserted him by committing suicide, Jeremiah ordered that Josette not be buried with the family in the Collins Mausoleum. (283)]

Barn, coming back to cognizant after hearing of the funeral, begs Ben to kill him. Ben, horrified, refuses.


Dusk: Joshua discovers Barn at the deathsite.


Joshua traps Barnabas in the coffin.


Time travel has an impact. The first Quentin works out that their stock broker uses bar s predictions to know how to play his hand and follows suit

. Concerns that the list ends in 1967 are kept close

danskjavlarna: “Yes, I am alone, except for the devils in my brain.“  From Dark Shadows episode 41.


“Yes, I am alone, except for the devils in my brain.“  From Dark Shadows episode 41.

Dark storytelling that David Lynch merely aspires to: there’s still nothing like Dark Shadows.

Wondering about this post?  Wait for the dissertation (TBA).
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danskjavlarna:“I and my ghosts want a drink.“  From Dark Shadows episode 55. Dark storytelling


“I and my ghosts want a drink.“  From Dark Shadows episode 55.

Dark storytelling that David Lynch merely aspires to: there’s still nothing like Dark Shadows.

Wondering about this post?  Wait for the dissertation (TBA).
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reading this joanne woodward rex reed interview and she made a reference to joan bennett in dark shadows hfgfhfhdhdgfhdhfh
