#dart gun

In HZD, I remember griping to myself that the stalker’s dart gun wasn’t detachable and thinking thatIn HZD, I remember griping to myself that the stalker’s dart gun wasn’t detachable and thinking thatIn HZD, I remember griping to myself that the stalker’s dart gun wasn’t detachable and thinking that

In HZD, I remember griping to myself that the stalker’s dart gun wasn’t detachable and thinking that maybe it was because it would be a little bit too OP to use it.

Well, now it IS detachable and despite having touched one once, I still haven’t tried one yet, to see what kind of damage it does, even tho I virtually finished the game already.

I really should try it once before I’m done with the Platinum and (hopefully 100%ing the game… dammit, last Gauntlet Run…) but I hate stalkers so much that I just don’t want to go near them unless I really have to (T_T)

Also, is it just me or they made them extra transparent this time around ??

No, Guerrilla, NO. How Very DARE You (T.T)

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