#dash wilder imagine


Dating Dash Wilder would include:

He calling you “baby” 24/7.

Being best friends with Scott.

You wearing “No flips Just fists” shirt everytime he and Dawson have a match is a must.

You both babysitting Scott’s daughter.

and watching Disney movies with her.

You playing with his beard while cuddling.

So many internal jokes.

You taking care of him when he had his jaw injury.

Not much PDA, just a few kisses.

Lots of hickeys.

He touching your ass.

You slapping his playfully.

Pawla loves you (Maybe because you are always giving her a tiny piece of your meal).

Going for a walk with Pawla.

Training together with Scott’s company.

You being part of the revival.

He being super romantic with you.

WWE universe love your relationship.

Receiving comments on IG like “OMG guys, you are so cute”.

Meaningful sex.

Rough sex when he loses a match or he’s jealous.

Fancy dates.

Netflix and chill.

It just would be a really cute and passionate relationship to be honest.
