#davey jacobs headcanon


Requested:  Modern time! Davey x bisexual!reader. What if the reader was Davey’s girlfriend and they go to a pride parade and Davey’s confused about the LGBT community so she tries to explain everything the best she can. And just fluff

Warnings: none?


  • You had to beg Davey to go to pride with you
  • He wasn’t sure about going at first
  • Asking why you wanted him to go if he was straight
  • You explained how it was him showing his support
  • You’d even gotten him wear matching makeup with you
  • Davey had been a bit confused on the drive there
  • But you made sure to fill him in
  • You knew Davey wasn’t the crowd type
  • But to your surprise once you were there he loved it
  • Davey tried getting you anything and everything
  • Even picking up a condom off the floor and winking at you
  • You couldn’t help the blush on your face 
  • Davey handed it to you so nonchalantly you couldn’t help it
  • You bought both of you dick shaped ice popsicle as a joke
  • But Davey ate it like it was an ordinary popsicle
  • Being at the parade helped Davey a lot
  • You tried answering all of his questions the best you could
  • Being around so many different people was new for Davey
  • But by the end of the parade it was different
  • You were going home with a few flags
  • Davey got a bunch of stickers
  • Some bracelets
  • And he’d even bought you both hats
  • Begging Davey to go with you turned out to be a good idea


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