#dawg what the fuck



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♘︎ : @desiray562@gabzlovesu@reneeslay@emonaculate@po3ticb3auty


YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH GETO HAD DEFINITELY TAKEN A TURN. And it was not for the better. In the three weeks since the restaurant, Geto had fucked you a total of four times and each of those times ended with either one of you leaving immediately after. Geto no longer stayed to cuddle with you or even wait for round two and you understood enough to know that you should be moving the same way he was. And you were. But why did it suck so bad?

It wasn’t until you had heard from Utahime, a mutual friend of yours, that Geto was fucking someone else, that you really understood your place now. She assumed it was you she had heard the other night at the boys apartment whilst she helped Choso with an assignment. And that definitely fucking sucked.

“That man has been checking you out since we got here. Please tell us that you see what we see.” Wendy begged you one day during a study session with the girls.

You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion but turned your head slightly to your left to see what she was referring to. Sure enough, there was a man with two other guys and when your eyes met his, he sent you a smirk and a wink, maintaining that eye contact with you.

The intensity of his stare had you turning your head, flustered with heat. A move that was not missed by the four women sitting with you. “Oh, he’s coming over!” Shoko gushed a little too loudly for your liking. Her loud admission had you wanting the library floor to swallow you whole.

“Act natural.” Utahime sharply whispered before whipping open a history textbook.

You couldn’t understand how you landed with such an odd group of girls, but you were thankful for them. Weird antics and all.

“Hey, my apologies for approaching you ladies like this.” The man now stood next to you, his smell drifting across the table gently.

Fuck he smelt good. And his voice was good?!

“It’s no problem…” Mei Mei was the first to speak as she searched for his name.

“Kenji. And what are your names?”

Wendy gave him a look and a smile. A smile that you knew meant she was about to meddle in something. “Well Kenji, I can tell you that her name is Y/n and that she’s 100% single! And available Saturday night.” You almost missed that last part but Kenji definitely didn’t as you caught him smirk at you.

“Imma beat yo ass Wendy. You can’t be exposing me like that.” You scolded her, paying no real attention to the man staring you down.

A deep chuckle interrupted your scolding and you began to realize just how attractive this man was. And how stupid you’d be not to engage with him.

“Is it okay Ms. Y/n, if you and I go on a date Saturday night?”

You hesitated in giving a response. Rightfully so as you had just met this man, but with the looks you were getting from the girls, you knew your answer.

“Yes, that’s okay Kenji. However, I would like for us to meet before then just as a preliminary meetup.”

The smile that graced his features should’ve told you all you needed to know about him. But you couldn’t tell trouble from a mile away when it looked like that.

“Anything you want, angel.”

Kenji Nakamura, a name so sweet for the devil.

GETO WAS AWARE THAT WHAT HE WAS DOING WAS MESSY, but having Jade under him was something he’d truly begin to love. She never gave him attitude or challenged him when he asked her to do anything. She was completely submissive; the total opposite of Y/n. As he pushed Jade’s legs back and fucked deeper into her, Geto could say that there was nothing that could get him roped back into Y/n. Messing with her for too long had made him soft. It had him actually considering a relationship for once and that was not a part of his brand at all.

“You’re really good at this.” Jade’s unwarranted response was given as she gathered her clothes to put back on.

Geto simply watched her naked form become clothed by the items she wore on her way over. It was six pm and he had her since three that afternoon. The tattoo artist gave a hum in response, too lost in thought to even bother coming up with a cocky response to her obvious observation.

“You don’t feel bad?” He did ask, just as Jade had slid on her shoes.

She turned to look at him, confusion etched onto her face as she attempted to make a bun with her braids. “About?”

Geto shifted in his spot on the large bed, suddenly feeling like the purpose behind his question was too vulnerable. “Fuckin’ the same guy as your best friend.”

Jade laughed with indifference as a shrug came over her shoulders. “Why would I? She wasn’t dating you and, technically, we were almost fucking before you met her.”

“So, what’s with the sneaking around then?”

He knew he was asking too many questions for someone who wasn’t supposed to care but he was curious to understand Jade’s blatant willingness to sleep with him. Knowing just how much time Y/n spent with him.

“Fuck buddies are supposed to be on the low, Suguru. Or did you forget that?” Jade held a condescending look on her face, her hand on the door handle to leave.

Hearing his name on her lips made him feel ill and Geto knew he needed to shut that down immediately. With a roll of his eyes, he stood in all his naked glory and headed towards his bathroom.

“It’sGeto and you know your way out. I’ll call you if I need you.” Were the last words he shared with her for the night before shutting his bathroom door.

As he showered away the remnants of his relations with Jade, Geto began to wonder if this was a mistake. While he knew that his feelings for Y/n were one sided, something told him that fucking her best friend would not settle well with her.

But who was he to care about what she thought.

They were only fucking after all.

NOTE.oh yeah, shit’s getting messy. the real plot is only beginning! how we feeling about jade now? predictions on kenji’s character??


Jade finna get her shit rocked, it’s not even about the fact that it’s Geto. Like dawg, you mad weird and fake for sneaking around then on top of that I don’t know if you clean… Fuck around and pass some shit to Y/n and she better beat the break shoes off you. Matter of fact we outside rn.
