


i just think its neat that the end of their songs point to each other <3

i forgot to post this picture of my dogniece the other day #luna #dog #perro #labrador #walk #dognie

i forgot to post this picture of my dogniece the other day #luna #dog #perro #labrador #walk #dogniece #lunatuna #adorable #doggo #pupper #cute #dawwwwww #woof #woofer

Post link
#pupper    #dawwwwww    #dogniece    #adorable    #labrador    #woofer    #lunatuna    


She made a vaguely frustrated noise at his response—not at him, just at the fact that communicating at all was so difficult right now. “I know you said you wouldn’t mind. That’s—not the same as—I mean, it doesn’t cover if—” She bit her lip, faltering slightly. If she outright asked, did that make it too clear that she had—well, further than friendly feelings? And if Ren just didn’t mind, but didn’t actively feel the same then—

…She was overthinking this.

Taking a deep breath, she resisted the urge to lay a hand over her heart as if to contain its painful pounding, managed to entirely suppress her fidgeting. “I… wouldn’t mind it, either, but that—makes sense, I mean. You know, if we like being around each other and we already do—ah, a lot of… sort of intimate things, then it’s not like a lot would change. Which is why I’m—I’m not asking if you’d mind, I’m asking… if you’d… like… that sort of thing. If you’d, um, want it.”

Ren nearly winced at her frustration, but just kept nodding, agreeing with everything she said.  It was true; They liked to be around each other, they were very comfortable with each other.  Sometimes, too comfortable.  Or maybe not comfortable enough?  Okay, enough with those thoughts.

And then there were unique moments like now, where they had to go through…whatever this was. And truth be told, Ren wasn’t sure what he wanted right now, but he did know that, being with Blake, things just felt…right.  And why wouldn’t he not want to feel that for the rest of his life?  He took in a deep breath.

“I…I think I would like it.  And you…?”
