#day 13 truth or dare



My@adrinetteapril 2022 contribution. I used the prompts Buttercup, Truth or Dare, Lies, and Secret, as requested by my lovely Tumblr followers. <3

Read it on AO3: Dare to Tell the Truth

Summary:When the Miracu-class plays Truth or Dare at their post-graduation sleepover, Adrien takes the opportunity to find out what Marinette’s favourite flower is, if she prefers milk or dark chocolate, what her ideal date would look like, and who the heck Buttercup is.

Pairing: Adrien Agreste/Marinette Dupain-Cheng

Rating: T


My@adrinetteapril 2022 contribution. I used the prompts Buttercup, Truth or Dare, Lies, and Secret, as requested by my lovely Tumblr followers. <3

Read it on AO3: Dare to Tell the Truth

Summary:When the Miracu-class plays Truth or Dare at their post-graduation sleepover, Adrien takes the opportunity to find out what Marinette’s favourite flower is, if she prefers milk or dark chocolate, what her ideal date would look like, and who the heck Buttercup is.

Pairing: Adrien Agreste/Marinette Dupain-Cheng

Rating: T


Wrote a lil one-shot for @adrinetteapril it got longer than I intended. Got a lil hint of Julerose in it too. For flavor. 

Read on AO3

Day 13: Truth or Dare

“Okay, Marinette. Truth or Dare?”

Warm afternoon sunlight glistened through the glass ceiling of the Couffaine houseboat, beaming down on the back of Marinette’s neck as Alya, Alix, Rose and Juleka looked at her expectantly. Juleka had invited them over to hang out while her mom and brother were at the dentist, and Rose suggested a game to pass the time. Marinette wasn’t overly fond of Truth or Dare given that she had very important world-saving secrets to keep, but she supposed none of the girls had any reason to suspect that she was hiding anything.

“Uh, truth?” She took a sip of her juice to seem more casual and at ease despite the sweat trailing down her back.

Rose tapped her chin. “If you could be any animal in the world, what would you be?”

“What?” Alix groaned. “Rose, the point of truth or dare is to ask really juicy questions.”

“But I want to know what animal she would be…” Rose pouted.

“Marinette would answer that question even if we weren’t playing truth or dare. Isn’t there anything you really want to know?” Alix cast her a sly grin.

“You guys already know my biggest secret.” Marinette pointed out, hoping to dissuade any further discussion on the matter.

“That you want to be the future Mrs. Adrien Agreste?” Alya batted her eyelashes and nudged Marinette with her elbow. “That’s not really a secret.”

Her cheeks warmed when the girls laughed, and she crossed her arms over her chest. “I would be a hamster. There, Alix’s turn.”

“Yo, ladies. Got room for a couple of dudes?” Nino waved from the sidewalk beside the boat.

“What’s Nino doing here? This was supposed to be a girls day.” Alix shot Alya a glare.

“I invited him to come over because…” A smirk curled over Alya’s lips when Adrien rounded the corner of the stairs. “He has company.”

The girls gasped in delight. Marinette’s heart took off into a sprint as Adrien and Nino approached, and Alya purposefully scooted over so Adrien could take her place next to Marinette. He flashed her a smile that she returned for an uncomfortably long time until he looked way.

“What are you guys up to?” Adrien asked.

“We’re playing Truth or Dare,” Alya said. “Actually, it’s Marinette’s turn.”

“What? I just we-”

“No, yeah. It’s definitely her turn.” Alix agreed.

“Yep.” Rose nodded.

Even Juleka piped up with, “Yeah, totally.”

“So, M. Truth or Dare?” Alya asked.

Keep reading
