#day 5 collapsesoulmate au



For Day 5 of tajihana ship week by @oofurishipweeks 

Prompt: Collapse - verb. (of a structure) fall down or in; give way - (of a person) fall down and become unconscious, typically through illness or injury.

I’m determined to finish these prompts even if they’re late. I love these ship weeks and I wanna contribute :) (also another loose interpretation LOL)

Tap! Tap! Tap!

His eyes roam over the page of notes. Words and sentences of various subjects dot the page, beginning as neat and tidy characters and slowly declining into messy and unfinished lines. He can’t even read half of it as the words go on. He’s also 100% sure that the lines that drag down the page are from him falling asleep in the middle of class.

Keep reading
