#day16 drops of blood




Day 16: Drops of Blood

Jaehee sat on her bed, warm blankets tucked around her. Spiced wine was on her nightstand and a bowl of popcorn on her lap. She watched The Promiscuous Jalapeno Topping. Zen’s plays always relaxed her. There had been one stressful second where she thought Jumin was going to make her take care of Elizabeth 3rd. He had concluded that it would be better for the feline to stay with him and had taken her on his business trip. With them both gone for a few days, her life would be a little easier. There was still a lot of work to do, especially since she would need to take over the director’s duties while he was gone, but she wouldn’t need to worry about any cat projects popping up.

She sighed as she took another handful of popcorn and watched Zen’s incredible performance. The story line was awful, even so, Zen was able to raise it to an acceptable level. There was a coppery taste in her mouth and she cringed from it. She looked down and saw blood droplets on the popcorn. With a gasp she raised her hand to her nose, Her fingers came away bloody. She had been so focused on Zen’s acting that she hadn’t even noticed the flow coming from her nose.

She stood and made her way to the bathroom, pinching her nose as she went. Flipping on the lights she saw her image in the mirror, her skin was pale, her brown eyes wide with fright. She was scared, but why? It was a simple nosebleed, nothing she hadn’t had before. Nothing most people hadn’t experienced in their lives. Nevertheless, there was dread spreading from the pit of her stomach. She tried to push it away as she cleaned herself up.

She continued to pinch her nose, counting in her head. She knew enough not to tilt her head back but couldn’t remember exactly why that was bad. After a few minutes she checked to see if her nose was still bleeding. As soon as she let go, it was like turning on a water faucet. Blood poured out.

“Oh my God!” she pinched the nose again but was now in a panic. Her large eyes blinked in confusion and fear as she stared at her reflection. This was crazy, should she go to the emergency room? But for what? A nosebleed? As she contemplated, she felt a wetness under her eyes. Was she crying? Focusing on the mirror she was even more shocked to see blood flowing from her eyes. It was just a trickle, tears of blood, but as she watched in horror, the droplets became thicker, creating streaks down her face.

Her breath caught in her throat, fear shivering through her body. She blinked and her eyelids felt like sandpaper across her eyes. With a scream she stepped back, hitting the wall and falling to the floor. Her hands braced her and now the nosebleed flowed freely. She looked down at her white pajama top where the blood soaked into it into a macabre inkblot. Her screams rose in pitch and horror. A crimson shade filtered her vision.

A knock sounded, as if a million miles away. Someone shouted but she couldn’t understand the words. She flopped to her belly and began to crawl, her legs unable to hold her up. Her body felt as if it weighed a thousand pounds. Someone was at her door, someone that could help her. Blood saturated her eyes blinding her. Terror took over her mind as she turned, scratching at her face and shrieked.
