#day19 ghostbusters




Day 19: Ghostbusters

“Why would anyone want to get rid of me?” Zen complained. “Look at me, I’m gorgeous!” he ran his fingers through his hair as he stared at himself in the mirror. Thankfully, he was still able to see himself. The world would never be so cruel as to forbid him to ever view himself again.

“There!” a beam of green light passed an inch from his beautiful face. Saeyoung scowled having missed him again.

“Stop it! Don’t you remember who I am?” he screamed at them, but they didn’t seem to hear him.

“I told you you should get new glasses! Your aim is way off!” Saeran complained as he trained his own beam at the ghost and pulled the trigger.

Zen pushed through the wall with a resigned sigh. Maybe he could get through to Jaehee instead. He floated down the building to the first floor and went through the wall back inside. It was relatively empty but the few people in the lobby took note of him and began to scream. Zen slumped his shoulders, he’d never had people run away from him like this, had he really changed that much? Was he no longer beautiful? But no, that couldn’t be it, he’d seen his reflection, he was still stunning, even dead.

“What are you two doing up there? The ghost is in the lobby!” Jaehee said out loud, she much be wearing an earbud and communicating with the twins. He couldn’t hear their response, but he didn’t need to. There was very little time, what could he do to show Jaehee who he was before they annihilated him.

A lightbulb when on over his head and he began to do the choreography from his last movie. Jaehee had helped him get the timing and rhythm down so she was definitely familiar with the moves. Jaehee had begun to back up away from him but had not run like the others. She didn’t appear to have a weapon on her, which was good because Zen was out of options at the moment, unless he wanted to just leave.

He was in the middle of his routine when he noticed that Jaehee’s body language had changed.

“What the hell?” she uttered. Good, it was working, she was questioning.

“Come on Jaehee, it’s me! You know me!” he kept up the routine and watched as her eyes blinked rapidly, her head shaking in disbelief.

“No…it…it can’t be.”

The elevators opened up behind him and he increased his pleading though he knew she couldn’t hear him.

“Oh my God!” Jaehee’s hands covered her mouth as her eyes widened in understanding. “STOP!” she ran towards the twins, passing within inches of Zen. She pushed their weapons down and turned to face the ghost.

“What the hell?” Saeran said, still trying to raise his weapon, he could clearly see the ghost and it was not moving.

“It’s him. It’s Zen.” Jaehee said, leaving the twins stunned.

“How do you know? His form is just vaguely human shaped.” Saeyoung asked, conflicted on what to do.

“It’s him, I can see him clearly now. Oh Zen!” she walked towards him. “What happened to you was so unfair, you had so many years ahead of you.” Zen could only agree as he nodded. Had he been able to, he would be shedding tears now.

“Well…fuck.” Saeran dropped the weapon by his leg, “What do we do now? I don’t want to vaporize Zen, but…he can’t stay here.”

“I can talk to Mr. Han, maybe we can accommodate Zen in some way.” Jaehee suggested. Zen rolled his eyes. He’d come here so he could haunt the CEO in line. It was the only thing he could think of that might bring him some happiness and pleasure in the afterlife, things were boring on this side. But what fun would it be if Jumin Han allowed him to stay? He gritted his teeth.

“I don’t think he liked that.” Saeyoung laughed, noting the expression on the ghost’s face. “Wait! I can see him clearly now too!”

“Me too.” Saeran said. Zen smiled at them all. Thankful that at least his friends recognized him. “I’m so sorry about what happened to you Zen.”

Zen nodded, grateful for the commiseration. The accident had happened so fast it was over in a matter of seconds. There was very little left of his motorcycle and it was a miracle he had not died instantly, unfortunately, he had gone through a grueling few days before his brain finally gave out. He hovered above his hospital bed and watched as the doctors tried everything they could to bring him back. He felt the pull of it but didn’t surrender, deciding he was happy to end where he was. He was a success, and you know what they said, the good always die young. He would remain forever young in the eyes of his fans; it wasn’t so bad.

He had however not considered what his death would do to his friends. His funeral was devastating to witness, though even Jumin Han said nice things about him. The way the three were now looking at him began to make him uncomfortable, he didn’t want them to be sad.

“What are you waiting for? It’s right there, get rid of it so my employees can get back to work.” Jumin walked up to the three surrounding the ghost.

“Mr. Han, they can’t…it’s…it’s Zen.” Jaehee said.

“What nonsense, it’s just another ghost, get rid of it! That’s what I’m paying you for isn’t it?” Zen clenched his jaw. “Just like usual, trust fund kid, only thinking about yourself.” All four turned towards Zen, mouths gaping open.

“Did…I…” Jaehee couldn’t finish her sentence.

“Wait, did you hear me?” Zen asked. The four looked at each other, then back to him and all nodded. “Well isn’t that something. Now I can really have fun.” He grinned and winked at Jumin.

“Great.” Jumin said.

“Do you still want us to uh…vaporize him?” Saeyoung asked, knowing full well what the answer was going to be.

“Of course not! Assistant Kang would probably quit on me if I allowed that. If you’re going to hang around here from now on, maybe I should have more mirrors installed.” Jumin huffed and walked away. Zen grimaced, but he had to admit, there was a lack of reflective surfaces.

“Welcome to C&R Zen.” Saeyoung laughed. Zen felt a sudden rush of warmth. Ok, he was dead, but it wasn’t all bad. And he had eternity to torment Jumin and hang out with his biggest fan. Not such a bad after life after all.
