#dbh essay


In the past year being in the Detroit: Become Human fandom, I’ve seen many posts attempting to cover and express why the game’s core message of android rights = black rights is inherently flawed. I recently watched two wonderful video essays, Detroit: Become Human - It’s Bad andDetroit: Become Human - The Worst Civil Rights Allegory, that I think succinctly and elegantly explain why this message is flawed. This post is a brief summary of what the two videos said. All screenshots are from the first video.

Why it’s inherently racist to say human slavery = android slavery 


As the two infographics explain above, D:BH’s main argument revolves around “androids are like us; they’re alive, so it’s wrong to enslave them.” A parallel should work both ways– if we can say “android are like humans,” we should also be able to say “humans are like androids.” However, once we do the latter, we can automatically see the flaw of this parallel. In doing so, we’re saying, “androids were made to be property, to serve humans = black people were made to be property and serve white people.” I don’t think I need to explain further why this parallel is outrageously racist. 

This leads me to my second point: 

The issue of deviancy = bug in an android


Going back to D:BH’s main parallel of human slavery = android slavery, this again insinuates “black people were made to serve white people and them rebelling against their masters is a ‘bug.’” With the knowledge that deviancy is a virus, confirmed to us by Kamski, Amanda, and Markus and Connor’s ability to deviate androids by touch, players have the idea that only deviants are alive and non-deviants are not. 

Kamski:Androids share identification data when they meet another android. An error in this program would quickly spread like a virus, and become an epidemic. The virus would remains dormant, until an emotional shock occurs… Fear, anger, frustration. And the android becomes deviant. Probably all started with one model, copy error… A zero instead of a one… Unless of course… Some kind of spontaneous mutation

This begs the question: why should we care about non-deviants? If they aren’t alive, they aren’t aware of their own suffering. If we do have the ability to prevent deviancy, why shouldn’t we? As the infographic above explains, this wouldn’t be unethical as non-deviants don’t even have the ability to make this choice for themselves. 

However, the game contradicts itself that “only deviants are alive” through the player’s experience of playing Kara, Markus, and especially Connor. All these androids, pre-deviancy, are able to feel and experience emotions, like love, without going deviant. Aren’t these things signs that non-deviants are alive? The only thing deviancy changes for all of them the freedom of choice. 

Then, that poses another question: does the freedom of choice inherently make you alive? If you’re just given the freedom of choice without prior experiencing emotions (I’m referencing the androids Markus/Connor deviate by touch here), why does that make you alive? 

Which brings me to my third point:

Where are the answers?


Instead of even attempting to answer any of the questions D:BH poses, the game never goes further than its shallow explanation of “androids are alive, so they must be free.” The game crumbles under any sort of questioning. Furthermore, all the “villains” of the story– Amanda, Perkins, even Kamski– never provide any good counter-arguments to this claim, forcing players to have to agree with this sentiment. 

But isn’t the point sci-fi to explore both the good and bad of a futuristic concept? Which brings me back to my original point– the game can’t do this because it’s trying to make deviancy an allegory to black rights, in which any counter-argument to that is morally wrong. But, if it strayed away from this parallel– instead delving into what D:BH should have been (an exploration of what it means to be alive as a non-biological being), the game would be able to apply much more meaningful and thought-provoking messages than “slavery is bad.”

The video provides an example of this exploration being done right, as well as providing a new basis of what D:BH should have been: 

Star Trek: The Next Generation | “The Measure of a Man”

This episode of Star Trek: Next Generation revolves around Data, an android aboard the starship Starfleet. In order to start mass-producing androids like Data, they must disassemble Data. However, in the process of doing so, he might lose his memories, effectively “dying.” The episode debates whether or not Data should have a say in this procedure. If he is not deemed as alive, they can do anything to him as it is not unethical to see him as property. However, if he is alive, this would be unethical as they are robbing away his ability to choose and effectively enslaving both him and his “offspring.” 

The video explains in a lot more detail the plot surrounding this episode and why it does it well, but I’ll sum it up here why this episode works versus why D:BH doesn’t:


Closing thoughts: What could have been done to change this?

If someone planned on rewriting D:BH, there are two ways of going about this:

  1. Sticking with the human slavery = android slavery message
  2. Ditching that entirely and exploring the central question of what makes a thing alive

Both could work– albeit with major changes. For the first message to work, androids must be created with sentience. Instead of androids, one could maybe replace them with human clones or simply doing what Star Trek: Next Generation did– however, this would mainly defeat the whole meaningfulness behind the concept of deviancy.

With the second, this requires the least amount of tweaking to the original plot (most of the change would be towards Markus’ storyline). By simply using the premise that D:BH provides as way to explore how we prove androids are alive, D:BH could finally reach its full potential as a game and be the impact on sci-fi that it wished to be.
