

Shit guys in my mission i don’t know who to choose who to go with cell or lord cooler are so meats both ❤️

a guess for. @teamfourstar and @zeromicdub with their fantastic videos of dragon ball abridged cell vs gohan i wanted to represent my favorite scene both in italian and english i hope you like it #cell #cellgame #DBZ #dbz #DragonBall #Goten #DragonBalIZ #DBZ #PerfectCell

Hello everything here you are cell vs animaniacs I hope that in the future @DevilArtemisX DevilArtemis will do it meanwhile here is my preview of my imagination

Haven’t posted in FOREVER because of Work, and being back from my recent trip to Japan. Plus, my computer has suffered a meltdown after theee years, so I haven’t been able to draw digitally!

So I decided to sketch a girl that you haven’t seen in a while! Away with the Attack On Titan stuff for a bit, and let me embrace Dragon Ball again!

Just a couple of random and quick sketches of Sweet tea girl, Chai Seiji! ☕️

Updating more old Dragon Ball stuff I did from my social media! The VegeBul one was my participation for the TIMELESS VegeBul zine from last year on twitter (it’s sold out now).

Going in.

Hearts that Fall. End of comic. I’d like to note the actual fic is better. I hope drawing some of it hasn’t cheapened it because I exaggerate some expressions for my own fun . Anything else I do for the fic I wrote will be a scene here and there. Need to post some more chapters on AO3 this weekend.

Comic continued

Hearts that Fall

Continuing from last comic posted

“If you don’t take your hand off the woman…-”

Hearts that Fall

So I accidentally started drawing a comic. I was going to do 3 scenes for my unpublished fic, then post the first chapter and so on. But—– started making panels.

Sneaky pic

Chapter one - For an unpublished fic. Started it Jan 1st according to my doc details. 40k word count on something I noted at the top as:

Vegebul /Oneshot / Quick. (Oops. )

Everytime I draw these two I get a little better. This isn’t finished, but sharing anyway. Going in for the kiss.

Rewatching some scene of the Cell Saga. Decided to draw Gohan tonight.

I’m really happy with how this came out. Getting out of my comfort zone with diff brushes.

I made this animation. I only have 24 frames to work with, which means I can only make gifs.

Some fun sketches after making that comic forever. Going to be doing reference sketching for a bit to make myself faster and better understand DBZ faces.

Well here it is. This took a lot of hours. Like. 30+ hours. Whoo boy. But here it is. A beautiful bouncing baby Vegebul comic.

So I drew a short and sweet Vegebul comic. This is part of it. I’m going to tidy it up tonight and post here.

Gohan was my favorite growing up. I was disappointed that he didn’t go on to become THE BEST since the show always went on about his potential and how powerful he could be. But I get it. They wanted Goku to be strongest. And Vegeta brought an fantastic dynamic, so Gohan became less awesome.

Anyway, I drew this.

Well this took longer than I expected. I’m pretty happy with it, though
