#dc corvid au


putting an arm around the other’s waist

Jason Todd x Corvid!Reader

Word Count: 229

There absolutely were not tears in your eyes when you saw what was in the little package Bruce had handed you just moments before. It was just windy … in the manor … The air conditioner was turned way up or something. It wasn’t even a gift-giving holiday or birthday or anything. You had no idea why he was giving you this at all, let alone at random when you and Jason happened to be visiting.

“What … ?” you found yourself muttering, unable to tear your gae away from the small photograph. Everything was blurrier than it usually was. Still, you certainly weren’t crying.

There was a shy smile on the billionaire’s face. “Alfred keeps telling me I need to show people my feelings more,” was his explanation.

Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “What does that–”

You were cut off by the arm that Jason slid around your waist. When you looked up at his face, you saw that he too had a suspicious, watery sheen over his eyes. “I think he’s trying to say he’s okay with being a grandpa.” You got the feeling that he was embracing you to support himself just as much as support you, so you slid your free hand around him as well.

“I am.”

Because in your hands was a photograph of you, Jason, and Damian all looking like a definition of the word ‘family’.

high fiving

Jason Todd x reader

Word Count: 254


“Ow!!” you screeched a mere breath after the sound cracked through the air. “Worth it,” you wheezed in a somewhat weaker voice a moment after that. You hoped the burning of that somewhat over-eager high-five would wear off sooner rather than later.

To Jason’s right, you saw Tim shaking his head in disappointment. “Aren’t you supposed to be the second oldest?” he asked his brother in a tone that perfectly matched the look on his face.

“Did I ask for your opinion, Replacement?”

“He can’t help that he has some boyish charm left in him,” you chimed in, still nursing your stinging hand in your ache-free one. “Not his fault you decided to grow up too fast.”

Tim just rolled his eyes.

“Do I want to know what’s going on in here?” Bruce asked from the doorway.

You didn’t even have to look at your husband to know that he was wearing an expression that mirrored yours: the expression of a kid getting caught with their hand in the cookie jar. “Sibling bonding?” you offered.

He raised an eyebrow.

“Mama and Baba thought to test Grayson’s reflexes,” Damian spoke up haughtily. “The results show that he appears to be getting rusty.”

“Rusty?!” Dick’s indignant shriek came from where he was currently stuck in a gap in the bannister. “How the f–”

“Enough, Dick.”

“Yeah, Dick, watch your language around my kid!”

“You too, Jason,” Bruce snapped. “Help your brother out of there and maybe I won’t tell Alfred about this.”

“Aw, man!”

